October 1, 1749

1749 October 1 (Sunday).  A rainy Day.  Rain’d down upon me in the Pulpit.  Din’d at Deacon Newtons.  A.M. read Exod. 3.  Preach’d on Eccl. 5.1, but made up of Exod. 3.5, as my Text at this Exercise.  P.M. read Luke 7th.  Preach’d from Eccl. 5.1.  A Somewhat tedious Day to undergoe.  But God be pleas’d to grant me the Wisdom and Patience necessary for me under my Circumstances!  When I read the Letter from Sutton, I told the Church that I could not well go, because of the Difficultys respecting my uncertain Health, and my great uncertainty what would be like to befall me as to my attending upon Meeting this Winter approaching — to look after the Preparations for which I had but little Time before me: for the ensuing Week would be chiefly taken up in Ministers Meeting, and the Committee’s Business at Rutland.  Yet I told the Church I would not hinder their going to Sutton if they saw best.  But Deacon Newton objected that Sutton first Church had an hand in setting up the Church in Framingham which in under Mr. Solomon Reed, and so were divers of the other Churches which were sent to on this Occasion, and therefore he was not free to Send.  Upon the whole, when it was put to Vote, no Hand at all was lifted up.