July 3, 1749

1749 July 3 (Monday).  In the Morning Daniel mow’d the Barley, of which there seems to be, through Gods Goodness, a midling Crop.  Ebenezer and Daniel mow’d in the Lower Orchard, Northside the Road.  There was a sprinkling of Rain in the Morning, but the Clouds soon grew thin.  I have been inform’d that Dr. Green is like to preach at Mr. Eliezer Rice’s, and that tomorrow is to be the Day.  I wrote a Letter and got it ready to lodge at one or other of the Houses where he practices Physick — and again I heard it was put off.  But I took my Horse and rode to the several Houses, viz. to Mr. Abner Newtons and Mr. Hezekiah Pratts — but found he was not to come again till they sent for him: but that the Mutual Desires aforesaid about his preaching were the Same.