July 1, 1749

1749 July 1 (Saturday).  Yesterday and the Day before when I was at Hopkinton there was considerable said in Conversation, of poor Mr. Woodwell that went to Canada for his Daughter: fearing he was lost — but last Night he came to Captain Maynards and this morning was at my House.  But his Daughter was not with him: he had not obtain’d as yet, her Redemption.  At Eve came Ebenezer and Forbush in my Chair, drawn by Lieutenant Tainters Horse, from Cambridge, Having been gone 10 working Days: but no Evil had befallen him as I began to fear there had.  An Hot and very drying Day.  Corn curls pritty much.  Every Thing looks very languishing but English Grain.

July 2, 1749

1749 July 2 (Sunday).  A Very burning Day.  A.M. read Genesis 41 and preach’d on 2 Sam. 21.14.  P.M. read Mark 12, and in preaching carry’d on the Same Design of the forenoon, but made great use of sermon on Tit. 2.12, though with many alterations, frequently mixing Reflections and Exhortations to Repentance.  Our Prayers were fervent for the Divine Compassion under the sore and grievous Drought.  A Storm, with Thunder and Lightning arose at Eve, but there was but a gentle Shower of Rain.  N.B. One of my Young Geese in the Road was found gasping and dy’d — either by the Heat or for Thirst: the Throat, the Grass in it being dry and hard.

July 3, 1749

1749 July 3 (Monday).  In the Morning Daniel mow’d the Barley, of which there seems to be, through Gods Goodness, a midling Crop.  Ebenezer and Daniel mow’d in the Lower Orchard, Northside the Road.  There was a sprinkling of Rain in the Morning, but the Clouds soon grew thin.  I have been inform’d that Dr. Green is like to preach at Mr. Eliezer Rice’s, and that tomorrow is to be the Day.  I wrote a Letter and got it ready to lodge at one or other of the Houses where he practices Physick — and again I heard it was put off.  But I took my Horse and rode to the several Houses, viz. to Mr. Abner Newtons and Mr. Hezekiah Pratts — but found he was not to come again till they sent for him: but that the Mutual Desires aforesaid about his preaching were the Same.

July 4, 1749

1749 July 4 (Tuesday).  I visited Mr. Tomlin and Bethial Tyler.  Ebenezer and Daniel Hilling and mowing.  About Noon came Mr. Jotham Brown with my son Thomas from Sudbury — the Times being so distressing, he had neither work nor plentifull provisions — and since he had Nothing to do in the shop, he thought if my son work’d abroad, it ought to be for Me, and not for him — but when it Should please God to raise us out of this Calamity then he would Send for him again.

July 6, 1749

1749 July 6 (Thursday).  The most reviving Morning that we have seen this long Time, for through the undeserv’d Mercy and Goodness of God, we had a fine Rain.  It prov’d a rainy Day.  Blessed be God!  Went p.m. to Lieutenant Tainters and preach’d at the Private Meeting.  Text Mat. 26.41.  After Exercise there was an handsome Entertainment at which were Esquire Baker and his wife, and some Number besides.  Call’d at Mr. Williams’s to see his wife.

July 7, 1749

1749 July 7 (Friday).  Daniel Hastings here.  I reckon’d with him and paid him all (for 3 Months and 4 Days — Scil. 10£ old Tenor per Month, and for the odd Days 10 shillings per Day) 32£ old Tenor.  Cloudy Day, but little Rain.  Ebenezer and Thomas plough’d the Barley Stubble, there being much Barley left among the stones which they could not rake.

July 8, 1749

1749 July 8 (Saturday).  Rain in the Morning.  Clear’d off afterwards So that Ebenezer and Thomas hoed Rye into the Indian Hills — but could not meddle with the Hay that lies out both in Cock and Swarth.  N.B. A Letter from Mr. Buckminster[1] of Rutland giving my Information of Dinah Downing.


[1]The Reverend Joseph Buckminster.

July 9, 1749

1749 July 9 (Sunday).  A.M. read Genesis 42.  Preach’d on 1 Cor. 11.31.  P.M. read Mark 13.  Preach’d from Hos. 3.5 — fear the Lord and his Goodness — but partly carry’d on my Scheme from 2 Sam. 21.14.  Administer’d the Lords Supper also this Day.  Mr. Ezekiel Upham and Daniel Hastings brought Elisha Coolidge[1] of Watertown to dine here.  Bad News of Mr. Abraham Williams[2] of Sandwich being lost.

[1]The son of Deacon John Coolidge.

[2]Parkman had been concerned about his nephew’s being lost spiritually (see diary for April 13, 1749), but here made reference to the fact that Williams had been reported lost at sea in 1749.  The newly ordained minister survived, however, and served Sandwich until his death in 1784.

July 11, 1749

1749 July 11 (Tuesday).  I went out a.m. to visit Several Familys.  Was at Mr. Moses Brighams and Mr. Eleazer Pratt’s — Mrs. Pratt follow’d with her Fits yet — last night she was much Exercis’d with them.  Din’d at Mr. Grouts.  My Horse was put out at Mr. Jonas Childs (who expected me to have din’d there) while I went to my Exercise.  Cathechiz’d at the South School-House — about 56 or 58, Children attended.  After Exercise I was refresh’d at Mr. Jonas Childs and Forbush was with me.  We went also to Ensign Millers, where Forbush read his account of the Ordination or anointing of one Hovey[1] at Mill-river.  In my returning home I understood that Dr. Green was So conversant with Stephan Fay that it was very likely, he would Shortly preach among us.  News of Mr. Abraham Williams that he preach’d at Concord last Lords Day.  The Face of the Earth is much renew’d since the late Rains.  Showery all Day.  Some Hay has laid out till tis almost rotten — it being a very muggy growing season.

[1]The Reverend Samuel Hovey of the Milford Baptist Church.

July 12, 1749

1749 July 12 (Wednesday).  Sir Dodge here.  Confirms the account which Forbush gave of Mill river, he also having been present at Said Ordination.  Mr. Jonas Warren of Upton here in order to get Dodge, a new Batchelour, to preach which I disswaded.  At Night Daniel Hastings return’d and brought me very Sorrowful News of Mollys being very Sick and nigh to Death (if yet alive) and desiring earnestly to see me.

July 13, 1749

1749 July 13 (Thursday).  Hinder’d in the Morning so long as to have my Horse’s Shooes rectify’d and fasten’d, and one Shooe put on.  Got down to Mr. Hastings’s at Watertown so as to dine there — to Cambridge about 2 p.m.  My visit was to my Daughter though the Crowd was going by to the Gallows with Mary Rogers,[1] alias Elizabeth Richardson, alias etc.  My Molly was very low, having Fever and sore Throat.  N.B. Forbush got down by 10 a.m.  As to the vile Woman who was carry’d up to the place of Execution She Seem’d somewhat affected but Said very little — though the Terrible Instruments of Death were before her, the Rope about her Neck, her Coffin before her etc. — and the Sheriff bid her prepare for Death, for he had no further Reprieve for her — But Colonel Brattle[2] read her Pardon and Mr. Appleton[3] pray’d.  I went home with Mr. Appleton and Mr. Sheriff; there was also Colonel Wendell[4] at Mr. Appletons.  I visited the President[5] likewise.  After Visiting divers Friends and Spending Some Time with my Daughter, I repair’d to Mr. Appleton’s where, at his repeated Sollicitations I lodged; my Horse also was kept in his Pasture.

[1]“The Woman under Sentence of Death for Theft, who has been in Prison at Cambridge, for some Months past, having had several Reprieves, was on Thursday last carried to the Place of Execution, where a Pardon was read to her, and she accordingly discharged.”  The Boston Weekly News-Letter, July 20, 1749.

[2]William Brattle (Harvard 1722), lawyer, representative, Councillor, later a general, and finally a Loyalist, who left Boston in 1776.  Sibley, VII, 10-23.

[3]The Reverend Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge.

[4]Jacob Wendell, a Boston merchant of Dutch background, was a colonel of the militia and a councillor.

[5]Edward Holyoke, the President of Harvard College. Sibley, V, 265-278.

July 14, 1749

1749 July 14 (Friday).  All the Morning perplex’d and fatigu’d about my Horse, which had got out of the Pasture and could not be found; till Sir Appleton[1] took his Fathers Horse and rode to Watertown; the Horse was found in old Lieutenant Coolidges Yard.  I did not get away from Cambridge till noon.  Call’d at Captain Sharps — where was Mr. Cotton Brown.  I proceeded to Boston.  My Brethren well etc.  Lodg’d at Brother Samuels.  My Horse at Mrs. Keggells.  Molly a poor Night, but better Morning.

[1]Nathaniel Appleton, Jr. (Harvard 1749).

July 15, 1749

1749 July 15 (Saturday).  Cousen Nathaniel Setting Sail for Chebuctoin partnership with William Willson.  I broke fast at Mrs. Keggells, where was Mr. Edward Bass.  I consulted Dr. Davis who has the Care of Molly.  I thereupon ventur’d to return when I had Seen, examin’d and encourag’d her what I could: refresh’d at Mr. Hastings’s and Captain Tainters — also at Colonel Buckminsters[1] — was stopp’d by rain and Thunder at Mr. Morse’s[2] in Framingham and was Shav’d there.  The Storm came on so impetuously that I lodg’d at Mr. Nichols’s.[3]

[1]Joseph Buckminster, the prominent citizen of Framingham.

[2]Jonathan Morse.

[3]Joseph Nichols kept a tavern in Framingham.

July 16, 1749

1749 July 16 (Sunday).  Rose very Early and Set out before sunrise.  When I got to Mr. Stones[1] at Southborough, he offer’d to go to Westborough in my Stead.  I consent’d.  I preach’d at Southborough a.m. on 2 Sam. 21.14.  N.B. Heavy Rains both last night and to Day.  P.M. on Gal. 2.20.  I live by the Faith etc.  Mr. Stone read Genesis 43, Mark 14 and preach’d on 1 Pet. 4.18.  I baptiz’d Bartholomew Son of William Newton.

[1]The Reverend Nathan Stone.

July 19, 1749

1749 July 19 (Wednesday).  I rode very early to Mr. Smiths at Marlborough for his Company to the Association Fast at Stow.  His Wife and her sister went in their Chaise; and he himself rode with me.  There were at Mr. Gardners this Meeting Messrs. Loring, Cushing, Martyn, Stone, Seccomb,[1] Smith, Swift,[2] Goss:[3] and Mr. Hutchinson of Connecticut, preaching at Grafton.  Mr. Gardner began the public exercise with an Excellent prayer.  Mr. Stone preach’d a good, useful Sermon on Mal. 3.16.  P.M. Mr. Goss pray’d and Mr. Cushing preach’d on Mat. 6.10.  Thy Kingdom come.  At Eve Mr. Martyn and I rode to Justice Whitman’s[4] and Mr. Pierce’s[5] where we lodg’d.

[1]The Reverend John Seccomb of Harvard.

[2]The Reverend John Swift, Jr., of Acton.

[3]The Reverend Thomas Goss of Bolton.

[4]John Whitman, a Justice of the Peace.

[5]William Pierce of Stow.

July 20, 1479

1749 July 20 (Thursday).  Rain’d hard.  Din’d at Mr. Pierce’s, though I had very much design’d to have gone to Southborough Lecture to have heard Mr. Hutchinson.  In returning home, call’d at Captain Graves’s — at Peter Hows[1] (because of the Showers), and at Mr. Smiths.  Found my Family in a measure of Comfort.  Blessed be God!

[1]Of Marlborough.

July 22, 1749

1749 July 22 (Saturday).  I was much in Suspense about my going to preach at Upton.  It having been propos’d that Mr. Jonas Warrin should go to provide Mr. Minot of Concord to come to Marlborough and Mr. Smith[1] hither: but neither Mr. Smith came to preach here, nor Mr. Warrin to acquaint me with it.  Hear that Molly is better.

[1]The Reverend Aaron Smith of Marlborough.

July 24, 1749

1749 July 24 (Monday).  Mrs. Parkman exceedingly worried from Day to Day, being without a Maid so long.  To Day engag’d in much Slavish work.  Ebenezer begins to mow the Meadow.  Daniel Hastings so kind as to give a Days Work there.  P.M. Mr. Martyn here.  At Eve Mr. Tinney came for me to visit his Sister again, Bethiah Tyler.  I went — and found her both low in Body and distress’d in Mind.

July 26, 1749

1749 July 26 (Wednesday).  Great Rains a.m.  When the Rain was over Ebenezer and Thomas went to the Meadow to look after the Hay there.  Samuel Bumpso gave half a Days work.  P.M. my Wife rode with me to the South part of the Town: to Mr. Harringtons, the Widow Woods’s, to Mr. Daniel Forbush’s, and (which was my Chief Design) to Mr. Millers[1] who was married to the widow Margaret How.[2]  At Lieutenant Tainters in returning at Eve, who presented me with a side of Lamb against tomorrow.  Got home safely though somewhat Dark.  Three of Mr. Barns’s Cattle very troublesome one Night after another and now get into the Corn.

[1]James Miller.

[2]Mrs. Nehemiah Howe.

July 29, 1749

1749 July 29 (Saturday).  Sent Billey to Mr. Allens (the miller) with Letter to Mr. Jonathan Goodale about Cart Wheels.  Mr. Charles Brigham of Grafton here with his Relation.  Ebenezer and Thomas to the Meadow.  2 Load more of Hay home.  Billey return’d frustrated as to Mr. Goodale: but from Mr. Martyns with Dissenting Gentlemans Answer to Mr. Whites Letters[1] — and Esq. Prior on Tar-water.[2]

[1][Michaijah Towgood], The Dissenting Gentleman’s Answer to the Reverend Mr. White’s Three Letters, fifth ed. (Boston, 1748).

[2]Thomas Prior, The Authentic Narrative of the Success of Tar Water, in Curing a Great Number and Variety of Distempers (Boston, 1749).  The first edition was published in London in 1746.

July 30, 1749

1749 July 30 (Sunday).  Mr. Brigham was not here as expected to be taken into the Church.  I read Genesis 45, gave long Exposition.  Preach’d on Jam. 3.16.  P.M. read Mark 15 and gave Exposition(as I have done for a great while) and preach’d on Ps. 34.13, but therein improv’d Sermon on Tit. 2.11.12 from page 81 to 85, and Sermon on Isa. 33.14, page 15, 16, but both these assistances were with great Alterations and additions.  I find a great Deal of Difficulty in providing for so many different kinds of Exercises, with the vast Encumbrance and avocations by my Large Family while my wife has no Maid.

July 31, 1749

1749 July 31 (Monday).  Din’d at Deacon Newtons.  P.M. I visited Mr. Bradish and thence rode to Mr. Garfields.  His son Jacob and Wife had been desirous of Special Privileges, and had been at My House, when I was from Home.  I now enter’d into Examination of her first, because of her Circumstances (being near her Time) and then afterwards of him but briefly concerning Some Objections which would be like to be rais’d against him.  But he was Soon So plain as to tell me that if What I had had from him at My House and now (when indeed we had but a few words) did not Satisfy me, he should not trouble me any more, he should go other where, Intimating (as I apprehended) that he design’d to go over to Mr. Price[1] at Hopkinton, and hereby manifesting as he has done by several Things besides that his Mind was upon External Privilege and administration rather than upon inward Benefit or Qualification.  Ebenezer and Thomas to the Meadow to Day.

[1]Commissary Roger Price.