May 3, 1749

1749 May 3 (Wednesday).  A.M. came Mr. Martyn and his Wife; Mr. Cushing also, and Mr. Stone and din’d with us.  After Dinner we all rode over to the Raising of the New Meeting House.  Mr. Barrett likewise came: and a great Concourse of people.  The Frame went up well; and through God’s great Goodness, Neither Life nor Limb lost.  The only Hurt I have heard of was by the Fall of a Board which graz’d a man’s forehead but Slightly.  But the Impudence of Young Men with the Young Women was with them very Shameless.  I was obliged to go and reprove several.  Reverend Mr. Cushing, Barrett, Martyn and Stone refresh’d themselves with me at Deacon Newtons.[1]  Mr. Cushing (when all the Timber was in place and the Frame compleated) Pray’d and gave Thanks.  After which we sang Ps. 13.10.13-16 and there was a plentiful Entertainment.  Mr. Barrett carved; Mr. Martyn Return’d Thanks after Supper.  When the Company drew off we repair’d again to Deacon Newtons.  N.B. Forbush brought a message from Mr. Frost[2] of Mill-River to desire me to change with him next Lords Day.  I Spake of it to the Ministers, and Mr. Barrett oppos’d it, without Mr. Frost would retract his having an Hand in ordaining Mr. Reed[3] of Framingham.  Mr. Martyn Seconded him so that I sent this return that I could not, but would be glad to see him and converse with him.

[1]Josiah Newton.

[2]The Reverend Amariah Frost (Harvard 1740), the minister of Milford, Mass., 1742-1792. Sibley, X, 494-496.

[3]The Reverend Solomon Reed of Framingham was a New-Light preacher.  Sibley, X, 398-400.