January 29, 1749

1749 January 29 (Sunday).  Tis now 13 Year since my dear wife (Mary) dy’d — but God has turn’d our Sorrows into Joys.  A.M. I read Genesis 19, and gave some brief glances upon it.  Preach’d on Neh. 9.6, repeating my old sermon on that Text.  It was Seasonable after what we have lately experienc’d.  Mr. Upham and Granny Forbush[1] din’d here.  P.M. I read and briefly remark’d upon Matthew 19.  Preach’d on 1 Tim. 2.15.  N.B. I began it with a very Cautionary Introduction extempore, but I think there was no great need of it.  My Twelfth, Eleventh living, Child was publickly dedicated to God and baptiz’d.  In Honour of my worthy and Reverend Father in Law[2] and excellent Friend I call’d him Breck.  May the Lord graciously accept of him and bless him!  and make him a Blessing in his Generation!  The Granny and not the Nurse held him up.  The Young Widow, Sarah Forbush Stay’d and watch’d.  N.B. My Wife has been somewhat faint and weak, but was got up to Day.  At Eve, She having endured a great deal of pain in her Hipp (She supposes tis the same flatulent pain which had before been so troublesome in her Side) and nothing past through her since last Thursday, I sent my son Thomas to Dr. Gott, and had Return from him the Same Night.

[1]The widow of Thomas Forbush.

[2]The late Reverend Robert Breck, Sr., of Marlborough.