January 8, 1749

1749 January 8 (Sunday).  Very Cold Day.  No Nathan.  Tending the Cattle at this extreme season very troublesome to me, having been so very unus’d to it — but my little Billy has been some help.  At noon came Cornelius Cook (by desire) to take Care of the Cattle.  At noon likewise one of the Chimneys took fire.  I read in the publick service part of the 17th chapter of Genesis and preach’d on Ps. 17.15 of the Happiness of Heaven.  P.M. read part of the 17th of Matthew.  Preach’d on 2 Cor. 8.7 (repeated), on occasion of the design’d Contributions for the Redemption of the Daughter of Mr. David Woodwell.  But by reason of the Extremity of the Season I (not without advising upon it) thought it prudentest to adjourn it to another Sabbath.  N.B. Deacon Forbush was the person I talked with — he din’d with me, as did his daughter in law (widow Forbush) as well as master Upham.