December 17, 1748

1748 December 17 (Saturday).  In the Morning and my Horses Lampsas[1] burnt by Mr. William Morse.  The Deacon and I at Mr. Ebenezer Bradish’s about the Chair.  Have deliver’d the Deacon 60£ old Tenor for it.  Left Cambridge about 11 a.m.  Din’d at Mr. Nathaniel Harrington’s.  Mr. Bridge and his wife gone to a Funeral and could not see him going or returning to know whether he designs to preach my Lecture to Young Men.  Was at old Clark Johnsons at Evening.  Mr. Eleazer Bellows my Company Home.  My Family Well.  To God be Glory!

[1]Lampas, or lampers, is an inflammation and swelling of the roof of the mouth of a horse.