December 10, 1748

1748 December 10 (Saturday).  Mr. Martyn sent Thaddeus Fay[1] to desire me to change tomorrow.  The same Lad brought me several Letters — one from my Brother Parkman bewailing the Death of his son John Parkman,[2] goldsmith who was well last Sabbath, but being seiz’d with a Fever, deceas’d yesterday.  May God Sanctify the frequent, sorrowful Breaches upon that Family! and may we all who are related, be shown wherefor the Lord contends with us! and be exited to an actual Readiness for our own Turn!  Another Letter from Deacon Whittemore of Cambridge in Answer to mine of the fifth informing me what he had done about a Chair.

[1]The son of Gershom Fay.

[2]The son of Parkman’s eldest brother, William.