December 5, 1748

1748 December 5 (Monday).  Rose very Early and though it was very Cold went over to Mr. Martyn, who is going to Cambridge, with Letters to Deacon Whittemore (who Sends me word he has got me a Chair) and to Sister Lydia Champney.  I both breakfasted and din’d at Mr. Martyns — for after I had taken leave I was met and detain’d on the Road by Captain Amsden; I had also forgot something or at least omitted to speak of something which I was desirous Mr. Martyn should do (respecting bringing up the Chair, if the Affair was fully Clear and I must have it) So I return’d and din’d there.  P.M. returning home I visited Captain Maynard who is recovering.  Old Mr. Joseph Green with me, in difficulty about his Spiritual state.  I visited Mr. Samuel Bakers wife who is very weak and low.  Visited at Mr. Williams’s in the Evening.  When I came home found Mr. Wellman[1] here, on his Journey to Concord to the Ordination of Mr. Lawrence.[2]

[1]The Reverend Mr. James Wellman of Millbury.

[2]William Lawrence (Harvard 1743), the minister of Lincoln, Mass., 1748-1780.