1748 August 15 (Monday). I rode to the South Road; to Deacon Newtons in particular and borrow’d 20£ old Tenor of him, to accommodate my wife in her going down to Boston. Din’d at Captain Warrin’s, where Jonathan Rogers’s Child lay sick. Call’d at Mr. Amsdens. Proceeded to Marlborough to Mr. Williams[1] and got my Saddle pad new stuff’d in and in other respects Mended — which he did gratis. He told me of Thomme’s being out too late some nights, complain’d of his being too much acquainted at Uriah Amsdens.[2] He said something of throwing up the Indentures — but that went over. Call’d at Dr. Gotts.[3] Mr. Smith[4] gone to Cape Ann. Call’d at Lieutenant Beemans[5] who is sick. My Neighbour Jacob Amsden with me there — but he left me and went back to the Doctors having forgot something. This disappointed me of an opportunity I intended to make of free Discourse with him.
[1]Abraham Williams, Parkman’s brother-in-law.
[2]The son of Abraham Amsden of Marlborough.
[3]Benjamin Gott, the physician of Marlborough.
[4]The Reverend Mr. Aaron Smith of Marlborough.
[5]Abraham Beaman of Marlborough.