June 30 ,1748

1748 June 30 (Thursday).  I greatly expected Mr. Martyn to preach my Lecture but to my considerable Disappointment he did not come.  I preach’d from 1 Cor. 11.24, last Clause — but was oblig’d to repeat my old sermon 2 on Luke 22.19.  I was requested to stop the Church that the Deacons might acquaint them with the Deficiency of the Contributions to Supply the Communion Table.  N.B. I Spake to the Congregation just before the Blessing, to the following purposes.  “In my present peculiar Circumstances I am obliged to acquaint the Inhabitants of this Precinct that my Help being taken away I must depend upon you to help me.  I must depend upon you respecting my Temporals, if you would have me attend to your Spirituals.”  After meeting Lieutenant Tainter here, and spake Comfortably of Sending Help, but though others were here no one else Spoke a word of it.  I desire to rest in Gods Providence.  N.B. Mr. Jason Whitney brought a Letter from Colonel Ward[1] to Captain Baker about recalling Joseph Bowker as I suppose.  A bright good Day.  Ebenezer mowed a.m. round the Great Field, and partly round the old Well etc.

[1]Nahum Ward of Shrewsbury.