1748 June 26 (Sunday). Another very hot Day and the Earth exceeding Dry. Unless the Lord have Mercy on us the Event must needs be very terrible. A.M. on Mat. 15.3-6. P.M. repeated sermon on 1 John 2.15 latter part. N.B. Mr. Daniel Forbush[1] brought me the very Sorrowful Tidings of the Death of sister Hannah[2] on the twenty third at 5 in the Morning. An unspeakable Loss to my Brother and his Family; and to us all! She was a very worthy person and a great Blessing among us. My Brother was marry’d to her when I was so young, that she has always seem’d as a Blood Relation. The Lord Sanctify the wide Breach to my dear Brother and his Children. And since we are all so frequently Smitten, O that we might be more and more in Readiness! Lord make me know my End! O might I be as one that waits for his Lord!
[1]The son of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.
[2]Parkman’s sister-in-law, Mrs. William Parkman of Boston.