June 19, 1748

1748 June 19 (Sunday).  Bad News from the Frontiers.  Last Thursday 10 men assaulted by a great Body of Indians between Hinsdells Fort and Fort Dummer.  Three kill’d and Seven Captivated.  We hear also that Colonel Stoddard[1] of Northampton is dead at Boston.  Mrs. Colson likewise (hitherto Abigail Boardman) dead at Boston.  I preach’d at Marlborough on 2 Cor. 3.15.  P.M. 10.14.18.  N.B. Mr. Jenison and Dr. Gott at meeting a.m. and not p.m.  I return’d to Westborough at Eve.  N.B. Dr. Gotts exceptions (made at his House before Colonel Williams[2] and Mr. Jenison) against the passage in sermon on 10, 15 page 7.  “Faith Springs from the Love, Unbelief from the Hatred of God.”

[1]Colonel John Stoddard.

[2]Abraham Williams of Marlborough.