June 17, 1748

1748 June 17 (Friday).  Mr. Cook came — after much Discourse I Said to him “If you do agree that Since the Conversation and Assistance of the Brethren that were together upon our Affair (Mr. Bradish, Mr. Belknap and Mr. Chamberlin, at Mr. Cooks House Some Time ago), we wholly lay aside the Difference which Subsisted at that Time; and if you will Endeavour by the Grace of God to watch over yourself, and to walk as becomes the Gospel of Christ, then I consent to administer the Ordinance of Baptism to their Child.”  To this he answer’d that he did not consent thereto — and we parted this Time in peace.[1]  P.M. I rak’d Hay for a good while with Joseph (N.B. a.m. he work’d for Neighbour John Rogers) between the House and Barn.  Mr. Mellen of Chauxit here.  Cherrys and Currans [sic] begin to be prey’d upon.

[1]Abigail, the daughter of Cornelius and Eunice Cook, was not baptized until Aug. 17, 1748.