June 15, 1748

1748 June 15 (Wednesday).  Mr. Loring ask’d advice concerning his dismissing members to Mr. Solomon Reeds Church in Framingham.  I preach’d the Public Lecture on 2 Cor. 3.18.  After Dinner we return’d to Consider the Report of the Committee and passing over what related to declaring our principles, we concurr’d pritty well in all the rest.  In particular came into Resolves and votes about guarding our Pulpitts; and to send some of our Members to Cambridge and to the South East Associations, that we might have their Concurrence if it might be, or know their Minds and Methods touching Examining Candidates.  As to Mr. Abraham Williams who had begun to preach, it was thought best to let him alone for the present.  In returning home (Mr. Cushing my Company) I call’d to see old Mrs. Graves.  Mr. Cornelius Biglo sick, and hear of divers others taken ill.  But through God’s Goodness found my own Family in peace.  N.B. Ebenezer and Cousen Betty Parkman set out this Morning for Boston.  Molly went with them in the Chair to Marlborough.  Bad News from many Towns that it is very Sickly, in Boston especially — one if not more meeting Houses shutt up Some sabbath past.  Some Number of Ministers ill.