1748 March 18 (Friday). Visited Mrs. Betty White (Mr. Joseph’s daughter) who is wasting away in a consumption. I went up to the burying place and what a multitude even of our own family are there in the Congregation of the Dead. The Lord make me ready for my turn which hastens! Visited my sister Willard. N.B. Sisters discourse with me about her daughter Sarah and my Ebenezer. Was at Cousin John’s. N.B. He offered me silver enough for a spoon for my daughter Sarah at £3 Old Tenor an ounce and to give me the making which I accepted of and paid him £4.13.0 for one and on consideration that Dr. Gott had given her about 56/ several years ago, I ordered it to be marked as his gift to my child. I dined at Mr. Stoddard’s p.m. As I hastened out of Town I called at Mr. Bagnal’s about my watch and at Mr. Fleet’s and began anew for his Paper. At Sister Beckky’s, where was Mr. E.B.O. who presented me a considerable quantity of brown biskitt — and at Mr. Snow’s (who married Mrs. Susanna Sharp)[1] where I bought me a large blue handkerchief for 58/ and hastened to Mother Champney’s where I lodged.
[1]The daughter of Captain Robert Sharp of Brookline.