1748 March 16 (Wednesday). It had hailed and snowed in the night. I attended morning Prayers in the Chappell. Broke fast with Mr. Hancock. Dr. Breck[1] came there and was going to Boston. I had his company. N.B. His account of a late difference between him and Mr. Maccarty: which led me to resent his whispering to Mr. Abraham Williams what had passed between Mr. Campbell[2] and me about him — the grand Haretick Williams whereas I had reference to what he personated at commencement. I visited Dr. Parkman in his affliction — his wife remaining in a very languishing condition. Dined at my eldest Brothers. Visited Sister Willard,[3] and my newly widowed Sister Beckky and my bereaved niece Esther. Lodged there. N.B. Mr. Edward Brattle Oliver[4] there. N.B. Kept my Horse there.
[1]Samuel Breck, the physician of Worcester.
[2]The Reverend Mr. John Campbell of Oxford.
[3]Parkman’s sister, Susanna, the widow of Captain Josiah Willard.
[4]Parkman’s niece, Esther, married Oliver later in the year.