March 7, 1748

1748 March 7 (Monday).  I prayed at the Town Meeting.  Mr. Bowman and Billings being the persons sent by the Town to me to request it.  N.B. After Prayer I stood on the Stairs and addressed the Town with an Exhortation to Peace and Righteousness, and concerning my own affair, I intimated how long and how patiently I had waited for my Dues from them and prayed that they would take such motions as might prevent my being obliged to use Disagreeable measures to recover those arrears.  I afterwards sent a paper, by old Mr. Whipple, to the Moderator to be lodged with the Town Clerk containing the Drift and Design of what I had said. Heard that Mr. Asa Bowker’s wife (a worthy woman!) dyed yesterday at Shrewsbury of a cancer. And that Mr. John Brainard, brother of the late Mr. David, preached for Mr. Martyn, designing to have come to me if he could have got here, but the snow is so deep, no Horse (I suppose) can pass between here and Mr. Eagers Tavern.