June 10, 1747

1747 June 10 (Wednesday).  Captain Baker accompany’d me to Worcester.  Ebenezer was disappointed of his Cloths which could not be made, and he resign’d his Horse to his sister Molly who therefore went.  Thomme also (who came up from Marlborough last night) went to Worcester.  Mr. Williams[1] of Weston was chose Moderator and Mr. Gray[2] of Boston Clerk.  N.B. Colonel Chandlers interpretation of that part of a Paper which Mr. Maccarty had Sign’d relating to Itinerants, viz. not to intend orderly ministers and of good standing in the Church of God who may Journey etc., but rambling Fellows that go about preaching.  We went to Meeting in procession.  Mr. Campbell[3] began with prayer.  Mr. Maccarty preach’d on 1 Thess. 2.13.  Mr. Moderator pray’d and gave the Charge, and Mr. Cotton[4] of Newton the Right Hand.  Handsome Entertainment at Colonel Chandlers.  N.B. Mr. Flynt[5] and his Nephews son Henry Quincy[6] in Company with us from Mr. Cushings.  A great many Clergy men at the Installment.  I design’d to have return’d home this Eve, but my Daughter Molly was not well.  She lodg’d at Colonel Chandlers but I lodg’d at Dr. Brecks.  N.B. Mrs. Breck lately lain in of a Daughter.

[1]The Reverend William Williams.

[2]Ellis Gray (Harvard 1734), the minister of the New Brick Church in Boston, 1738-1752.

[3]John Campbell of Oxford.

[4]John Cotton.

[5]Henry Flynt, the famous tutor of Harvard College.

[6]The grandson of Judge Edmund Quincy, Flynt’s brother-in-law.