March 11, 1747

1747 March 11 (Wednesday).  Mr. Wheeler yesterday instead of going to Reverend Mr. Cushing or Morse to attend the Funeral of Mr. Rugg, Sought only to Mr. Jenison, who left his School and went.  Mr. Benjamin Harwood (of Grafton Church) here, in the Morning and he informs me that their Church met yesterday and voted our Result, though I perceiv’d that it was but a Slender Majority of 20 against 18.  Mr. Harwood in his own and others behalf, desires the Ministers would discover their Judgment touching some Doctrine pass’d over in the Result, by means of Mr. Prentice’s Retractions. I rode to Southborough to Meet Mr. Martyn and Mr. Stone together upon the Grafton affair.  Din’d at Mr. Stones with Mr. Martyn. The Latter preach’d on Mat. 11.23. N.B. Mr. Morse of Shrewsbury came to Lecture. After Lecture Mr. Morse laid before us his Difficultys — he having thrown up his Contract with his People and they have not, and tis thought will not make any new provision for him.  I was design’d to Marlborough but Mr. Stone sollicited much that I would stay tonight and that we all would, that we might have Time to Confer upon both the Grafton Affair and Mr. Morse’s Case also. We accordingly all of us lodged there.