March 3, 1747

1747 March 3 (Tuesday).  In the forenoon came Mr. Aaron Hardy from Grafton and din’d here.  He gives but a dark account of Things among them — tells me Mr. Solomon Pain is (as I greatly fear’d) among them and preaching.  The Separation likely (by these means) to increase there.  At Evening came Mr. Harwood,[1] of Grafton Church who had been over to Mr. Martyn for the Result, and had with him a Copy for the Church and for Mr. Prentice.

[1]Benjamin Harwood.

March 5, 1747

1747 March 5 (Thursday).  Mr. Martyn preach’d my Lecture on [blank].  Take heed how ye hear,[1] a very usefull, savoury Sermon and which I hope God is pleas’d to make use of for our awakening and quickening.  May it especially be profitable to my own Soul!

[1][Additional note: Luke 8.18, “Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.”]

March 6, 1747

1747 March 6 (Friday).  Thomme accompany’d by Ebenezer rode down to Marlborough to live at Mr. Williams’s, the Sadler.  May God be pleas’d to Smile on this attempt for his Benefit! and make him serviceable in his Generation! Ebenezer brought me 50£ Old Tenor from Deacon Andrew Rice, borrow’d of upon Bond, to pay my Brother Samuel Parkman.

March 8, 1747

1747 March 8 (Sunday).  Sacrament. On 1 Pet. 1.18.19.  Deacon Fay, Eli and Asaph din’d here.  P.M. got Deacon Newton to read (in part) the Act of the General Court against profane Cursing and Swearing again.  He read Slow and the people began to drop away so that I finish’d it myself. Receiv’d a Letter from Mr. Stone dated February 28 about our Result.

March 9, 1747

1747 March 9 (Monday).  A.M. at Mr. Whipples and got him to come and kill a Calf of 7 weeks old for me, and he din’d with me, as did Mr. Prentice of Grafton who came down to see me under his heavy Burdens.  He freely tells me that now he can have no Thoughts of tarrying in Grafton. Their Church is to meet tomorrow and he thinks he must ask a Dismission: his wife having been to hear Mr. Solomon Pain; and last Saturday Morning declar’d for the Separation.  N.B. Mr. Samuel Forbush of Upton here and Examin’d in order to his owning the Covenant. Mr. Daniel Fisk also of Upton here and carry’d off the Pork which he bought of me.

March 10, 1747

1747 March 10 (Tuesday).  Neighbour Edwards Whipple carry’d his Loading to Boston on my Mare he taking with him my Calf to market it for me, and 70£ Old Tenor to Brother Samuel Parkman.  N.B. I was at Neighbour Eliezer Rice’s this morning and improv’d him to take a Time to go and buy me a pair of Steers of Mr. Timothy Warrin. Mr. James Maynard here, but he can’t finish his account with me.  Mr. Wheeler here and acquaints me with the Death of Mr. Benjamin Rugg last Night at his House, and with his wife’s Request to me to attend his Funeral tomorrow, but I gave Mr. Wheeler divers Reason why I could not, being pre-engag’d.

March 11, 1747

1747 March 11 (Wednesday).  Mr. Wheeler yesterday instead of going to Reverend Mr. Cushing or Morse to attend the Funeral of Mr. Rugg, Sought only to Mr. Jenison, who left his School and went.  Mr. Benjamin Harwood (of Grafton Church) here, in the Morning and he informs me that their Church met yesterday and voted our Result, though I perceiv’d that it was but a Slender Majority of 20 against 18.  Mr. Harwood in his own and others behalf, desires the Ministers would discover their Judgment touching some Doctrine pass’d over in the Result, by means of Mr. Prentice’s Retractions. I rode to Southborough to Meet Mr. Martyn and Mr. Stone together upon the Grafton affair.  Din’d at Mr. Stones with Mr. Martyn. The Latter preach’d on Mat. 11.23. N.B. Mr. Morse of Shrewsbury came to Lecture. After Lecture Mr. Morse laid before us his Difficultys — he having thrown up his Contract with his People and they have not, and tis thought will not make any new provision for him.  I was design’d to Marlborough but Mr. Stone sollicited much that I would stay tonight and that we all would, that we might have Time to Confer upon both the Grafton Affair and Mr. Morse’s Case also. We accordingly all of us lodged there.

March 12, 1747

1747 March 12 (Thursday).  We drew up and sign’d a Letter to the Reverend Mr. Prentice of Grafton advising him to ask a Dismission.  When we parted Mr. Morse for Medfield, Mr. Martyn to go and preach at Shrewsbury first Parish, and I went to Marlborough to Mr. Williams’s to see my son Thomas, who seems well contented as yet; to Dr. Gotts where I din’d — to Deacon Andrew Rice’s to change several Bills, and call’d only at the Door of Dr. Smiths, he not being at Home.  N.B. Saw Deacon Rice at Mr. Jonathan Brighams.  In returning I call’d at Mr. Thomas Goodenow’s.  At Home I found that Mr. Edwards Whipple had Come back from Boston last night.  He sold my Calf for £3 2.6 without the Skin.  N.B. Old Mrs. Whipple and Mrs. Amy Maynard[1] here.

[1]Mrs. Ebenezer Maynard.

March 13, 1747

1747 March 13 (Friday).  Strange Alteration of Weather.  Night and Morning Stormy.  Cold and Snow.  When the Day got up it clear’d off and was bright though Cold.  Mr. Hardy from Grafton here for a Return from the Ministers lately met at Mr. Stone’s.  I committed the Letter to him.  At Evening Brother Hicks and Mr. Daniel Champney[1] — came and lodg’d here.  They inform me that Mr. John Sparhawk[2] lately dy’d on board of a Vessel at Boston, newly come from Annapolis, and was bury’d in Boston.

[1]Of Cambridge.  The cousin of Parkman’s first wife.

[2]The former schoolmaster of Plymouth and Shrewsbury.

March 16, 1747

1747 March 16 (Monday).  Visited Jonathan Maynard.  Dr. Gott din’d with us.  Meeting to choose precinct officers.  Major Williams[1] of Stockbridge lodg’d here.  He was marching his Company down in order to his going to Annapolis but receiv’d Counter Orders on the Road — his men return’d back, but himself proceeding to Boston.

[1]Ephraim Williams, the leading citizen of Stockbridge.

March 19, 1747

1747 March 19 (Thursday).  Bright and pleasant. Ebenezer holding Posts.  Mrs. Garfield (Ebenezer Garfields wife) had my mare and so prevented my riding up to Mr. Wheelers to visit the widow Rugg, and p.m. came Mr. Samuel Forbush’s wife from Upton to be examin’d.  Mrs. Maynard (James’s wife) brought a great Rarity to us, 8 fine fish out of their Brook, chiefly (if not all) Pickerell and Somewhat large.

March 24, 1747

1747 March 24 (Tuesday).  Rainy Still.  Attended the Catechetical Exercise to young Women but there were So few that came (only 6 besides my own Girls) that we went not to the meeting House.  I discours’d to them next to Extemporarily on the Moral Law, the 10 Commandments, in general the manner of God’s delivering them etc., for I hardly expected anybody to come [in] such wet Weather.  N.B. I hear that Eliezer Rice went out of meeting last Lords Day as soon as first prayer was over — because it was Mr. Martyn, and I hear that Mr. Jenison instead of preaching last Sabbath at Mr. Jones’s[1] (of Marlborough) as he has been wont of late, chang’d with Mr. Goss.[2]

[1]Samuel Jones.

[2]The Reverend Thomas Goss of Bolton.

March 25, 1747

1747 March 25 (Wednesday).  Sent Ebenezer to Mr. Goddards for the Steers I lately bought of him and paid him 15£ old Tenor.  Mr. Martyn and his Wife made us a Visit and din’d here; as did Mr. Williams[1] of Weston likewise, he being on his Journey from Worcester (where he had preach’d for Mr. Maccarty) to Framingham, to See old Colonel Buckminster who draws near his End.  Eli Forbush brought from Worcester Mr. Hedge’s[2] Henry volume 5.

[1]The Reverend William Williams.

[2]Elisha Hedges.

March 26, 1747

1747 March 26 (Thursday).  Catechized a. and p.m. at the Meeting House.  14 Boys (with my own) in the whole.  5 Girls including my Daughter Lucy, and no more.  N.B. Mr. Willson[1] of Upton (an Irishman) here, in affliction, by the Sickness of his Son (who was in the late fight at Manis) and he din’d here.  Mr. Levi Brigham here p.m. on the Affair of his and his Wife’s joining to the Church.

[1]John Willson.

March 29, 1747

1747 March 29 (Sunday).  On Mat. P.M. My wife having through Gods great Mercy and Goodness got out to Day, after her lying in, I repeated those Sermons on Ps. 116.9, and do desire to renew my Engagements as David did to walk before the Lord in the Land of the Living.  May God be pleas’d graciously to enable me hereto, and keep it in the Imagination of my Heart continually! Levi Brigham and wife and Samuel Forbush and wife propounded.

March 31, 1747

1747 March 31 (Tuesday).  A.M. Visited Jonathan Maynard again, and Joshua Townsend came from Mr. Wheelers to desire me to visit Asa Rice[1] and Aaron Wheeler[2] who are sick of a Fever, and having Captain Maynard’s Mare I went.  Found them bad; yet sensible and penitent.  Visited also Mr. Silas Rice’s wife who lies sick of a Fever likewise.

[1]Son of Thomas Rice, Jr.

[2]Son of Joseph Wheeler.