July 10, 1746

1746 July 10 (Thursday).  Fast on account of the Expedition to Canada.  I consider’d the Business of the Day in these Two Lights — First to humble ourselves under God’s Sore Judgment (viz. the Sword of War) and then his Message to us to Repent etc.  Accordingly preach’d on Jonah 3.5 to 9. Secondly to beseech a great Mercy of God — such wisdom and Direction as was now needed, and success in so great an Enterprise as was now propos’d — but yet it was what we did not deserve, but might rather expect that God would be against us and therefore it concern’d us to look into our Case and endeavour to remove what might be a just Ground of Fear that God would not be with us nor prosper us — and therefore p.m. I preach’d on Ezek. 5.5 to 9.