July 2, 1746

1746 July 2 (Wednesday).  At Commencement.  Along with the Governor were Admiral Warrin[1] and Sir William Peperell.  Every Body rejoic’d at the refreshing News of the Defeat of the Rebels in Scotland, and the Taking the young Pretender Prisoner.  P.M. the Joyfull News Confirm’d by another vessell with Duplicates of the Letters lately receiv’d by the Governor respecting a Squadron of English Men of Warr and Troops about to sail from England for Canada Expedition.  Thus God mixes Mercy with Judgment, and makes us, though unworthy, to rejoice one Commencement after another.  At Evening again heard something sorrowfull so Checker’d our State.  A Lad was drown’d as he went into Water to Day.  Brother Samuel Parkman lodg’d with me at Mother Champneys.

[1]Pepperrell and Warren had just returned from Louisburg.