May 19, 1746

1746 May 19 (Monday).  Mr. McAllister here for his Certificat; and Mr. Matthias Rice here with a Letter from Mr. Martyn concerning my preaching his Ordination sermon which I had already consented to in Case the Council Should advise that we Should join in the work of that Day.  I rode over to Mr. Allens, and there (at the Mill) wrote a Letter to Mr. Barrett,[1] Seconding a Letter from Mr. Martyn desiring him to come prepar’d to preach in Case etc.  I din’d at Mr. Palatiah Rice’s.  Bought peas at 16 shillings and wheat at 18 pence per Bushel.  Was at Mr. Thomas Warrins, at the widow Coolidge’s, at Mr. McAllisters, Gershom Fay’s, Lawrence’s and Mr. Nathan Balls.  N.B. his Son Ebenezer lyes by with a broken Thigh.  I proceed’d (according to my main Design in going out to Day) to visit Mrs. Livermore who is in a Wasting Condition.  In Return was at Mr. James Balls.  There were Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Jacob Rice, Lawrence, etc. contriving and preparing to oppose the Ordinance [ordination?][;] call’d at Mr. George Smiths and Timothy Fays.  N.B. in their Talk of Mr. Martyn I was every way endeavouring to mollifie etc., and should they make the worst of it they might Remember the Story of St. Augustine who did not preach till he was 35.  When I came home I found Mr. Bridgham[2] of Brimfield and his Mother, who lodg’d here.

[1]The Reverend Samuel Barrett of Hopkinton.

[2]Reverend James Bridgham.