September 26, 1745

1745 September 26 (Thursday).  Divers poor Sickly Soldiers from Cape Breton here, bound for Suffield — whom I endeavour’d to refresh and they went on their way.  Mr. Martyn came, din’d with me and preach’d my Lecture on John 8.23 those words Ye are of this World.  A reasonable and Excellent Sermon.  May God make it usefull and Effectual to all of us!  After Lecture many people were here. Captain Eager, Lieutenant Holloway.  I deliver’d my Letter to the Committee to Mr. Livermore, McAllister and Matthias Rice (three of them) and manifested my hearty Concern for them and my Fears lest these Trials which some of their Brethren (viz. the Dissatisfy’d) were brought into, would be too hard for them, and this I had the more reason for when they themselves told me that they heard that Mr. (Commissary) Price is design’d to preach a Lecture in a short time in Mr. Wheelers Chamber.  As to Mr. Martyn, I found that Captain Eager etc. were desirous of his coming over and preaching for me on Communion Day.  I plainly intimated to him my Concurrence therewith, and desire of it.  His answer left it at uncertaintys for a while, but at length he consented I might depend upon Seeing him, God willing, next Saturday p.m.  Messrs. James and Stephen Fay and their wives here, and had a long Conference with me about their Uneasiness.  They judg’d that Seeing Ruths Offence against me (May 3, 1744) was private, I ought not to have divulg’d it.  I Reply’d that if She had not done it herself I Should not made [sic] the Reply that I did at James’s that She confess’d to me that her Disaffection to me was from a wrong Spirit. They said she had not done it, for they never knew of what was done or said at the Time referr’d to; she had not told them.  I return’d that by their telling me that she was dissatisfy’d with me, and expressing themselves as they did I could not but take it that She had, for that was the principal if not only Time wherein she had manifested dissatisfaction and disaffection to me.  But I added that if she had not I misapprehended them, and I was Sorry that I said a word about it; and I desir’d James and his wife to take notice of it; but I hop’d they would not be so unwise as to Make any Noise about these Things, but prudently Conceal them.  Lydia Said I had pray’d them at their House not to mention what at that time I said of Ruth, and they did not intend to, but She drop’d something of it before she was aware.  Stephen very much insisted and entreated I would humour him so much as to let him see what I had writ about his wifes Discourse with me.  After some time refusing I gratify’d him (with her Consent) and putting the others into another Room, I read my Journal of that time to them but she Seem’d not to Remember much about it.  I said many things to them of the unreasonableness of their Disgusts, before they went away; and of my Grief to have persons that profess’d to be such Friends of the Interest of Christ to do So many Things for the Clogging and hindering it.