September 2, 1745

1745 September 2 (Monday).  My wife and I rode to Stephen Fays.  Mr. Hall was there, and many people.  Mr. Hall preach’d on Mat. 6.10.  Thy Kingdom Come.  Mr. Winchester[1] a Candidate for the Ministry and preacher at Sutton was there also.  N.B. an Handsome Entertainment after the Exercise.  Mr. Hall on his Journey to Concord.  N.B. Thomas Winchester (by agreement) went off.  This I consented to, because my Two sons and Nathan Knowlton Suffic’d for my present Business and it was upon Condition that Thomas Should help me the month of April instead of this month: and as to his lost Time, he is to make it up in Cyder making and Thrashing.  Moses Pratt had my Oxen to cross his Ground in Shrewsbury.

[1]Jonathan Winchester (HC 1737), later first minister of the First Congregational Church of Ashburnham, 1760-1767. SHG 10:264-265.