July 3, 1745

1745 July 3 (Wednesday).  This Morning going over to Cambridge met Mr. Matthias Rice, who inform’d me that our Forces had taken CAPE BRITON and that there was all manner of Joy thereat.  The Exercises came to the Governor this morning early, and presently the Bells were rung, Guns fired, etc.  Commencement was render’d the most gladsome Day.  Everybody was full of the welcome story and wishing one another Joy.  Was chiefly at Mr. Hancocks and at Sir Peabodys Chamber.  N.B. Mr. Swift[1] of Acton his indecent Vociferation concerning my not being present at Mr. Smiths January 22 to bear my Testimony against Mr. Whitefield.  I din’d in the Hall.  N.B. Poor Mr. Samuel Coollidge[2] — his Distractions and Deliriums — pluck’d out of the presidents Chair in the Meeting House and dragg’d out on the Ground by a negro, like a Dead Dogg in presence of all the Assembly.  Most piteous Sight!  Molly din’d at Mr. Danforths.[3]  Mr. Rand[4] of Sunderland has left his people.  Mr. Breck gives me word from my wife that Mr. Smith (who had engag’d to last Lecture when he came with Mr. Breck to my House) could not preach my Lecture.  Lodg’d at Mother Champneys.

[1]Rev. John Swift, Jr.

[2]Samuel Coolidge (HC 1724), the former schoolmaster at Westborough and other places, who had become a public charge. SHG 7:326-331.

[3]Samuel Danforth.

[4]The Rev. William Rand left Sunderland because he disliked the preaching of George Whitefield, while many of his congregation evidently sympathized with the evangelist. John M. Smith, History of the Town of Sunderland (Greenfield, 1899), 61. Rand is believed to have written an address of the Hampshire County clergy to Whitefield which appeared in The Testimony of the North Association in the County of Hartford (Boston, 1745).