June 18, 1745

1745 June 18 (Tuesday).  Last Night a Night of Thunder and Lightning and Rain.  My Wife not well.  Thomas began to Mow the Garden and Fore Yard.  Mr. Salter and his wife on their Journey home, came and lodg’d here.  Their Horses had broke from them at Sudbury and Mr. More (Son of Deacon) waited on them hither with Two, who also return’d with the Evening.  Mr. Salter brings Sad News from the Fleet and Camp at Cape Briton.  Captain Smithhurst[1] missing in the Country Galley, and 140 Land soldiers cutt off in their Attempt on the Island Battery.  Yet God has deliver’d 3 French Sail into our Hands, Two 36-Gun-Company-Ships from France and a Quebeck Sloop with Flour and Peas.

[1]Smithhurst captained the Prince of Orange, a vessel of 16 guns. The Boston Gazette, or Weekly Journal, 11 June 1745.