April 25, 1745

1745 April 25 (Thursday).  Mr. Bacon[1] of Ashuelot here.  Mr. Stone preach’d a Lecture to our Young Men from 1 Sam. 2.26.  After Meeting came a Messenger from Framingham (one of the Hemingways) with the Sorrowfull Tidings of the Death of the Reverend and Worthy Mr. Swift[2] of Framingham, Who is March last finish’d his 66th Year.  A man of good Abilitys, natural and acquir’d — of a Sprightly Genius and delighting in Learning; a Valuable Pastor and an entertaining preacher, of great Goodness, affability and Courtesy and therefore Easy of access and pleasant to Converse with, was very Hospitable to all and none more affectionate to his Friends.  He nevertheless met with much ill treatment among some of his ungrateful people, rigid Sticklers for the Church Discipline of Lay Elders, and disorderly New Lights, the Latter of which had even set up a Meeting House on purpose for Itineracy.  The Troubles he was Exercis’d with in both his Flock and Family (of very different kinds indeed) might justly be conceiv’d to have given great advantage to his bodily Disorders which had prevail’d ever since he had an Apoplectick Shock a few Years past.  Yesterday Morning When his End approach’d he had unusual appetite and would fain have some Cheese for his Breakfast, but that was conceiv’d hurtfull, and therefore they perswaded him to accept of Chocolat and a Toast.  Whilst they were feeding with These he dy’d away at once, and reviv’d no more.  Help Lord the Godly Man Ceaseth!  The Righteous fall from among the Children of Men!  When Such Usefull Men are taken away alas how weak are we!  We have lost much of our Strength and our Glory when any of the Pillars Fall, the Fabrick shakes.  Yet with God is the residue of the Spirit.  May he grant us his almighty Influences that We may dispatch our Work and get ready for our own Summons, and raise up Successors and give Pastors after his own Heart!

[1]Rev. Jacob Bacon (HC 1731) was minister of Keene, N.H. (Upper Ashuelot), 1737-1747. SHG 9:18-21.

[2]John Swift.