April 10, 1745

1745 April 10 (Wednesday).  Resum’d the Conference about Mr. Martyn.  Mr. Gardner and he were advis’d to retire together.  They did so and came in reconcil’d. Deo soli gloria!  Mr. Davis preach’d the public Lecture on Ps. 51.17.  Mr. Jenison at meeting and I invited him again to Dinner, and he came.  P.M. We have further Debate, and were more successful and pacify’d.  The Gentlemen who were with us, were of the opinion he had better wave his preaching any where, while he was in his present Circumstances though they also told him they Should not pretend to lay an Embargo (as he himself had phras’d it) or Barr him from it.  I gave him my Distinction between the Common privileges of Christians and those more public and special acts of Preaching, etc., and I told him I would have him come to the Sacrament next Sabbath.  He answered me that he could not Say whether he Should or not, but yet went away more compos’d.  N.B. I had offer’d him that if he would withdraw his Letter to me he might burn my Reply to him.  To return to the Association — Mr. Martyn was further interrogated with regard to his disuse of the Tongues, the Sciences etc.  In a word, he was approbated by a Certificate sign’d by every member.  Old Mr. Axtell[1] here but we could do nothing for him.

[1]Thomas Axtell of Marlborough had been a concern to the Marlborough Association before.  Allen, Worcester Association, 19.