March 20, 1745

1745 March 20 (Wednesday).  Captain Goddard return’d to his work, in running the Line.  I rode over to Visit Mr. Barrett[1] — in my way I call’d at Mr. William Pierce’s[2] — Understanding that Mr. Dunlop had gone away clandestinely to Ship for Cape Breton.  I visited his wife who was in great Distress for her Husband and two Sons.  I din’d at Mr. Barretts.  I return’d him his Henry vol. 5.[3]  N.B. Major Jones there.  In returning I call’d at Mr. Tainters where I view’d a Chaise which he had bought with a View to me, but I conceiv’d it too much worn, yet determin’d nothing.

[1]Rev. Samuel Barrett of Hopkinton.

[2]Of Westborough.

[3]Matthew Henry, Exposition of the Old and New Testaments (London, 1710), 5 vols.