August 22, 1744

1744 August 22 (Wednesday).  I rode up to Worcester Court — from Mr. Cushings had Dr. Stanton Prentice’s[1] Company.  Visited Mr. Burr and Dr. Breck.[2]  Mr. Solomon Prentice came there and we went together to the Court — where I attended the forenoon.  I din’d at Mr. Burrs with Mr. Loring[3] of Marlborough and Dr. Breck.  P.M. a very lazy Time, whilst I neither Care to be at the Court, it being Sultry Hot, nor Ventur’d to go to the prisoner (Edward Fitz Patrick) but convers’d with Some of my old Nei[gh]bours who had gone from us whom I occassionally light of, and at Eve was at Mr. Waldo’s.[4]  But I lodg’d with my Brother Breck.  N.B. at Captain Daniel Wards[5] where I lodg’d, Mr. Ebenezer Wheeler and many of that Company had taken up their Quarters.

[1]Physician of Lancaster.

[2]Samuel Breck, physician of Worcester.

[3]Jonathan Loring, a lawyer.

[4]Cornelius Waldo, Jr., son of the prominent merchant of the same name in Boston.  See Waldo Lincoln, Genealogy of the Waldo Family (Worcester, 1902), 1:71-72.

[5]The son of Obadiah Ward, an early settler of Worcester.  See Andrew H. Ward, Ward Family, Descendants of William Ward (Boston, 1851), 23.