August 6, 1744

1744 August 6 (Monday).  Mr. Sparhawk return’d to Shrewsbury in the Morning.  Mr. Coollidge Stay’d and din’d.  He seems to be in great Horrors and Despairs.  N.B. Eli Forbush with me in the Morning very much engag’d in the Business of his Soul and appears to have experienc’d some Remarkable Convictions.  Mrs. Stevens (wife of Israel) of Grafton having experienc’d wonderful awakenings, was here with me.  She assures me she is not able to admitt many things which she finds among her Nei[gh]bours — regard to Dreams, and holding the most sensible Communion with God in sleep, etc.  She and her sister Rice din’d with me.  P.M. Mrs. Thankful Maynard[1] here desirous to join with the Church.  At Eve Thunder storm arose.  Thomas at Mr. Beemans.

[1]Mrs. Stephen Maynard.