August 2, 1744

1744 August 2 (Thursday).  Mr. Matthias Rice informs me that the Mohawks on their Journey home came to Marlborough last night, and that several Canada Indians are expected down.  I preach’d at Lieutenant Tainters on Isa., and may the Lord give it his peculiar Blessing!  N.B. Among others Mrs. Stevens of Grafton there.

August 6, 1744

1744 August 6 (Monday).  Mr. Sparhawk return’d to Shrewsbury in the Morning.  Mr. Coollidge Stay’d and din’d.  He seems to be in great Horrors and Despairs.  N.B. Eli Forbush with me in the Morning very much engag’d in the Business of his Soul and appears to have experienc’d some Remarkable Convictions.  Mrs. Stevens (wife of Israel) of Grafton having experienc’d wonderful awakenings, was here with me.  She assures me she is not able to admitt many things which she finds among her Nei[gh]bours — regard to Dreams, and holding the most sensible Communion with God in sleep, etc.  She and her sister Rice din’d with me.  P.M. Mrs. Thankful Maynard[1] here desirous to join with the Church.  At Eve Thunder storm arose.  Thomas at Mr. Beemans.

[1]Mrs. Stephen Maynard.

August 7, 1744

1744 August 7 (Tuesday).  I visited Mr. John Caruth’s wife who languishes in Body and is very much distress’d in Mind.  As I was riding over upon this visit Captain Forbush met me and acquaint’d me that a man was kill’d last night by his Cart near Ensign Bruce’s in this Town.  At my Return home I was requested to attend the Funeral of the Said poor Man, at 4 p.m.  I had appointed with myself that this Afternoon I would visit in that Corner and my Wife and I accordingly rode down to Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlains and by means thereof we were till somewhat past 5 when I got to Ensign Bruce’s, the people being very much gather’d and long waiting.  It was a very sorrowful Time!  The providence very awfull indeed.  The man was of Sutton, one Mr. Samuel March of about 29 or 30 Years, originally from Newbury.  His poor mournfull widow, the Daughter of Captain Sibley[1] of Sutton was there, with her Father and Some Number of Sutton Friends along with them.  The Lord Sanctifie His holy dispensation in peculiar to them and to his Mate (Mr. Holbrook) who was upon the Road with another Team just before Mr. March; but O that God would also enable all of us to make a Suitable Improvement of So awakening a Providence, and Convince us that we know not the Hour!  For as Saith Solomon man also knoweth not his Time: as the Fishes etc. and as the Birds, etc.  So are the sons of men Snared in an Evil Time, when it cometh Suddenly upon them.  Eccl. 9.12.  N.B. I understand that 5 Indians of the Cagawaya’s went to Boston last Friday; and that Some Considerable part of our Soldiers who were sent out to guard and Scout in our New Towns, were call’d in, and had return’d.  Thomas at Mr. Beemans.

[1]Joseph Sibley.

August 9, 1744

1744 August 9 (Thursday).  My Kinsman Needham[1] with his Wife from Norwich and they carry away their son Thomas with them.  N.B. I gave him everything that he carry’d away with him, except his Coat which Mr. Needham agrees to pay me for.  P.M. Mrs. Eager and her Sister Mrs. Patty Ward rode here in their Chair to make us a Visit.  Many Interruptions by Company almost from Morning till night.  Thomas Set up a New Rail Fence between my Fore yard and Garden.

[1]Parkman’s eldest sister, Mary, had married Daniel Needham.

August 13, 1744

1744 August 13 (Monday).  The Towns Committee went down to the General Court to reply to the Petition of the North side.  I wrote to Mr. Danforth by Ensign Rice.  P.M. I was at Captain Bakers[1] an Hour or Two, he not being well, nor could go to Court.  Rainy at my return in the Evening, found Mr. Brown and Bridge from Sutton at my House.  And they lodg’d here.

[1]Edward Baker.

August 14, 1744

1744 August 14 (Tuesday).  They rode with me to Sudbury to Ministers Meeting.  We went first to Mr. Smiths[1] at Marlborough and he requested my Mare might be put into his Chaise and we rode together.  See Association Records for Mr. Barretts Concio on 2 Cor. 5.20 etc.  N.B. Mr. Gardner[2] an Excellent prayer in the Evening with the Family.  N.B. Mr. Cook[3] came among us.  Mr. Smith rode my mare to Mr. Cooks.

[1]Rev. Aaron Smith.

[2]Rev. John Gardner of Stow.

[3]Rev. William Cooke of Wayland.

August 15, 1744

1744 August 15 (Wednesday).  There was more Business done by the Association than usual — more Collections, etc.  Mr. Swift[1] of Acton preach’d a Smart, bold Sermon on Mat. 13.5.6.  After Dinner Mr. Wood,[2] Deacon Miles[3] and others from Concord came in among us to request the Ministers so far to Countenance Them of their Party as to preach among them in their Separation from Mr. Bliss.[4]  But they were rather advis’d to seek out some suitable Young Gentleman to preach to them and leave it to him to Change with neighbouring Ministers as they Should incline or see prudentest.  Return’d home through Marlborough and for the Sake of Mr. Cushing and Mr. Morse’s[5] Company, by Ensign Bartletts.  Found Mr. Weld[6] here.

[1]Rev. John Swift, Jr., of Acton.

[2]Ephraim Wood.  Lemuel Shattuck, History of the Town of Concord (Boston, 1835), 388.

[3]Samuel Miles.

[4]Rev. Daniel Bliss.

[5]Rev. Ebenezer Morse of the North Parish of Shrewsbury.

[6]Rev. Thomas Weld of Upton.

August 16, 1744

1744 August 16 (Thursday).  Mr. Weld left us — but not before Ensign Wood of Upton also, came, both of them on Account of Council papers.  Mr. Weld to return Some and Ensign Wood to take off a Copy of his Daughters Oath.  N.B. Two Exercises yesterday and the like to Day at Grafton but I could not go up, having so newly come Home, and much Business lyes behind.  At Eve Mr. Cornelius Cook here, and was partly Examin’d in order to his joining with the Church.

August 17, 1744

1744 August 17 (Friday).  Captain Maynard and Mr. Francis Whipple return’d from Boston and inform’d that having laid their Reply to the North side’s Petition, before a Committee of the Honorable Board, viz. Judge Wilder,[1] Colonel Berry,[2] Captain Watts,[3] a Committee was appointed by the Two Houses to come up and View the Town and make report accordingly.  Said committee were Captain Watts, Major James[4] and Mr. Dodge, to come up Next Tuesday come fortnight.

[1]Joseph Wilder was a Special Justice of the Superior Court.

[2]Thomas Berry was a Special Justice of the Superior Court.

[3]Samuel Watts was late Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in Suffolk County.

[4]John James of Medford.

August 20, 1744

1744 August 20 (Monday).  Ebenezer Wheeler brought me a summons to answer in Court tomorrow at Worcester Court in the Case depending between Reverend Mr. Weld of Upton and Rachel Wheeler of Grafton.  N.B. Samuel Baker here to be examin’d in order to his joining with the Church.  P.M. Mr. Cook with me on the Same Errand.  At Eve Captain Maynard and Mr. Whipple here.

August 21, 1744

1744 August 21 (Tuesday).  I early rode to Colonel Wards[1] to enquire whether the Business of the sessions would be likely to bring the Wheeler Case on to Day?  The Reason of My Enquiry was, I had appointed the Catechetical Exercise to Young Women to be this afternoon before I had known any Thing of Mr. Wheelers summons.  Who told me it would be Contrary to Custom of the Court if it was call’d, and assur’d me I might safely return home for to Day.  Upon which I return’d accordingly.  P.M. attended upon my Catechizing of Young Women, and deliver’d them a sermon on Ps. 25.7.  Hannah Forbush[2] full of Spiritual Concern came to my House, as her Brother Eli had been not long Since.

[1]Nahum Ward of Shrewsbury.

[2]Daughter of Thomas Forbush.

August 22, 1744

1744 August 22 (Wednesday).  I rode up to Worcester Court — from Mr. Cushings had Dr. Stanton Prentice’s[1] Company.  Visited Mr. Burr and Dr. Breck.[2]  Mr. Solomon Prentice came there and we went together to the Court — where I attended the forenoon.  I din’d at Mr. Burrs with Mr. Loring[3] of Marlborough and Dr. Breck.  P.M. a very lazy Time, whilst I neither Care to be at the Court, it being Sultry Hot, nor Ventur’d to go to the prisoner (Edward Fitz Patrick) but convers’d with Some of my old Nei[gh]bours who had gone from us whom I occassionally light of, and at Eve was at Mr. Waldo’s.[4]  But I lodg’d with my Brother Breck.  N.B. at Captain Daniel Wards[5] where I lodg’d, Mr. Ebenezer Wheeler and many of that Company had taken up their Quarters.

[1]Physician of Lancaster.

[2]Samuel Breck, physician of Worcester.

[3]Jonathan Loring, a lawyer.

[4]Cornelius Waldo, Jr., son of the prominent merchant of the same name in Boston.  See Waldo Lincoln, Genealogy of the Waldo Family (Worcester, 1902), 1:71-72.

[5]The son of Obadiah Ward, an early settler of Worcester.  See Andrew H. Ward, Ward Family, Descendants of William Ward (Boston, 1851), 23.

August 23, 1744

1744 August 23 (Thursday).  In the Morning after the Rain I went to the Jayl and Spent Some Time with the prisoner who is as Yet unhumbled — has talk’d of late in a Strain of denyal of the Fact, and grumbles at his Windows being Shutt up (though at That tis thought he receiv’d ill Counsel) and Complains of the Room he is confin’d in etc. — as if he was treated hardly because he was a Stranger.  Mr. Campbell[1] of Oxford there and pray’d with him, and whilst we were in the Jayl the Wheeler Case was call’d at Court, and was thrown out of that Court.  I din’d with Mr. Solomon Prentice at Mr. Eatons.[2]  P.M. return’d home having Mr. Dana[3] the Lawyers Company great part of the way, but he proceeded down the Road to Marlborough.

[1]Rev. John Campbell.

[2]Joshua Eaton (HC 1735) was the first lawyer to settle in Worcester.  He fell under the spell of George Whitefield, became a New Light preacher, and the minister of the first church of Spencer, Mass., 1744-1772.  SHG 9:533-38.

[3]Richard Dana (HC 1718) served various towns before settling in Boston, where he later became a prominent Son of Liberty.  SHG 6:236-39.

August 27, 1744

1744 August 27 (Monday).  Mr. Ebenezer Rice came about noon to get my Team to go to Boston.  I rode to Mr. Winchester[1] and obtain’d his Oxen to go with my own to Boston.  Thomas went with the Team to Mr. Abraham Temple’s at Grafton for the Load and so Set out with it before Day.  Brother Hicks and Deacon Hall[2] of Sutton here.  They went to Boston.

[1]Parkman’s brother-in-law had moved from Westborough to Sutton about 1740.

[2]Percival Hall.  Benedict and Tracy, Sutton, 654.

August 28, 1744

1744 August 28 (Tuesday).  Visited Captain Forbush who is sick of a Fever.  A Council of Five Churches sat at Grafton, The Churches of Lancaster, Oxford, East Sudbury, Waltham and Southborough, being call’d by the agrieved only.  I Hear that the North and south side of this Town have employ’d Major Jones[1] of Hopkinton to measure the Roads of this Town — and that they begin to Day.

[1]John Jones.

August 29, 1744

1744 August 29 (Wednesday).  Major Jones with his Chain Men accompany’d by Mr. Miller,[1] Deacon Forbush[2] and Beriah Rice,[3] are come, in their measuring, to my gate, and thence proceed to the South Eastward to go down to Mr. Belknaps Corner.  At Eve I visited Captain Forbush who grows worse, yet sleeps very much Day and Night.

[1]James Miller of Westborough.

[2]Jonathan Forbush.

[3]Son of Edmund Rice, an original settler.

August 30, 1744

1744 August 30 (Thursday).  A.M. Major Hicks[1] of Salem, Deacon Whittemore[2] and Mr. Joseph Bradford, with Brother Hicks who met them on his Journey down, and return’d to Sutton with them, but was now proceeding on his Journey again.  They din’d here and took Leave.  P.M. I preach’d on John 1.11, and after Exercise read the Letter from New Haven receiv’d last Sabbath.  At Eve I visited Captain Forbush who is not much better.  Major Jones Measuring again to Day.  Heard that the Council at Grafton had perswaded the Church and agrieved Brethren to unite in Calling a Council consisting of the following Churches, Mr. Prescotts[3] of Salem, Mr. Wigglesworths[4] of Ipswich, Mr. Emersons[5] of Malden, Mr. Turells[6] of Medford, and Mr. Hobbys[7] of Reading.

[1]Joshua Hicks.

[2]Samuel Whittemore was a deacon of the Cambridge church for over forty years.  Paige, Cambridge, 688.

[3]Rev. Benjamin Prescott (HC 1709), first minister of Peabody, Mass., 1713-1756.  SHG 5:485-91.

[4]Rev. Samuel Wigglesworth (HC 1707), first minister of Hamilton, Mass., 1714-1768.  SHG 5:406-12.

[5]Rev. Joseph Emerson.

[6]Rev. Ebenezer Turell.

[7]Rev. William Hobby.