January 5, 1743

1743 January 5 (Wednesday).  Jejun. Priv.  The New Year.  The Late Frown of Heaven in my sickness through which I am much Weaken’d and sett  back in my Business.  The present Times among us — call’d for no less.  We Sent Ebenezer to Grafton but though I design’d he should wait upon what Exerciser [sic]he could yet he return’d without going to Meeting at all.  Mr. Hall a.m. and Mr. Bliss p.m.  Mr. Goddard at Eve. My own Mind wrought very much on my inward State and upon what God is doing among his people.  Mr. Wilson here to acquaint me with the Death of Mr. John Snells child.[1]  Very fine pleasant Weather, especially a.m.  Mr. Prentice[2] sent me a Letter of the third which I receiv’d this Evening to acquaint me with and desire my assistance in their Solemnitys.

[1]No Snells in Westborough or Shrewsbury vital records.

[2]Rev. Solomon Prentice of Grafton.