January 1, 1743

1743 January 1 (Saturday).  I bent my mind (as far as my present engagement in my Preparations for the Sabbath would allow) to consider the Lord’s gracious dealings with me in granting me the Beginnings of another year, and begging that all my old sins might be done away; and that I might Spend all the residue of my Time to the will of God and would Committ all the Events of this Year to Him.  For I entreat I may both putt on the New.

January 2, 1743

1743 January 2 (Sunday).  I preach’d on Ps. 116.9 at the Meeting House, Sermons of Gratitude for the Favours conferr’d in my Recovery from sickness, and granting us the New year.  I endeavour’d in some poor Manner to Engage after the Manner of David that I would walk, etc.  See a loose Paper.  Receiv’d from New Haven of November 29.  N.B. Wilson Rawson[1] here at Evening with a Message from Mr. Door.[2]

[1]Samuel Rawson of Milford, Mass. Adin Ballou, History of the Town of Milford (Boston, 1882), 983.

[2]Rev. Joseph Dorr of Mendon.

January 4, 1743

1743 January 4 (Tuesday).  The people of Grafton (where have been peculiar awakenings of late especially among the Children) have agreed to Spend most of the Days of this Week in Exercises of Religion and have Sent to some Number of Ministers, Mr. Hall, Goddard,[1] Webb of Uxbridge,[2] Bliss,[3] Haven[4] to preach to them.  To Day Mr. Hall p.m. and Mr. Goddard in the Eve.  May God grant them the Assistance and Measures of Wisdom which they need at this Time, and succeed them to his Glory!  Neighbour Rogers and Chamberlain kill’d a Hogg for me (which when lean I bought of Brother Hicks) weigh’d 188. Wet Day.

[1]Rev. David Goddard of Leicester.

[2]Rev. Nathan Webb (HC 1725), first minister at Uxbridge, 1731-1772. SHG 7:617-619.

[3]Rev. Daniel Bliss of Concord.

[4]Rev. Elias Haven of Franklin.

January 5, 1743

1743 January 5 (Wednesday).  Jejun. Priv.  The New Year.  The Late Frown of Heaven in my sickness through which I am much Weaken’d and sett  back in my Business.  The present Times among us — call’d for no less.  We Sent Ebenezer to Grafton but though I design’d he should wait upon what Exerciser [sic]he could yet he return’d without going to Meeting at all.  Mr. Hall a.m. and Mr. Bliss p.m.  Mr. Goddard at Eve. My own Mind wrought very much on my inward State and upon what God is doing among his people.  Mr. Wilson here to acquaint me with the Death of Mr. John Snells child.[1]  Very fine pleasant Weather, especially a.m.  Mr. Prentice[2] sent me a Letter of the third which I receiv’d this Evening to acquaint me with and desire my assistance in their Solemnitys.

[1]No Snells in Westborough or Shrewsbury vital records.

[2]Rev. Solomon Prentice of Grafton.

January 7, 1743

1743 January 7 (Friday).  Cold, yet my Wife and I ventur’d out to Mr. Daniel Stones to see his Wife in her low Condition.  This was my first going out among my Nei[gh]bours.  N.B. Mrs. Stone very low, weak and under grievous Sores which endanger’d her Life.  N.B. Mr. Tyler[1] from Mendon, there, with a Letter to me from the Society call’d Mill River in order for a Council.  Mr. Haven preach’d a.m. at Grafton (which finish’d the public Exercises).  Mr. Prentice himself preach’d at Eve at a private Meeting.  Much has been said of these Exercises — some Number being very dissatisfy’d with them.  Others much applauding and praising God for the great Grace appearing in them.

[1]Probably Capt. Nathan Tyler.

January 12, 1743

1743 January 12 (Wednesday).  A Letter from Messrs. Stone and Smith concerning a Monthly Lecture in their respective Towns.  A great variety of Company.  Deacon [Jonathan] Forbush in great Soul Distresses, yet disapproving of several Things in the private meetings of the enlightened.  Young Fitch[1] of Norwich here by whom I wrote to my Cousin Daniel Needham[2] and to Mr. Wight.[3]  Deacon Whipple[4] of Grafton came with his Brother of this Town and spent the Evening with me.  N.B. his account of his Conversion last February.  Yet neither can he allow of divers Things at the Private Meetings of these Times.  N.B. a Private Meeting this very Eve at Mr. James Fays.  I allow’d Ebenezer and Rebecca Hicks[5] (under Special Charge) to go.  N.B. settled and Ballanced with Daniel Forbush.

[1]One of the sons of the late James Fitch.  John G. Fitch, Genealogy of the Fitch Family (Olmsted, Ohio), 21-22.

[2]Parkman’s oldest sister, Mary, had married Daniel Needham in 1702.

[3]Rev. Jabez Wight (HC 1721), minister of Preston, Conn., 1726-1782. SHG 6:582-584.

[4]James Whipple. Pierce, Grafton, 596-598.

[5]Daughter of John Hicks.

January 13, 1743

1743 January 13 (Thursday).  A number of Children were suppos’d to be much fill’d with the Spirit and carry’d out in Spiritual Joy last Night at Mr. Fays.  An indian Girl in great Distress for her Brother — and Betty Fay[1] in Terrors.  Of which and other Things occurring at the Meeting, there are various Sentiments.  Mrs. Woods[2] of Marlborough here.  Dr. Gott and Lieutenant Woods with him here and din’d with us.  A very open, moderate season for many Days past.  Rain at Eve.

[1]Elizabeth, daughter of John Fay, Jr.

[2]Widow of Benjamin Woods.