November 30, 1742

1742 November 30 (Tuesday).  Rose early and visited Thomas Goodeno’s Daughter[1] which had the Iliac Passion, but through God’s Mercy grew better.  I proceeded on my journey to Boston.  Mr. Smith of Marlborough, justice Allen and his Daughter Lucy gone along.  I overtook ‘em at Baldwins and there we all dined.  Mother Champney (when I came to Cambridge) I found had been very ill — and was still confined.  Was at College.  Proceeded to Boston.  My Mother wondrous well and Comfortable.  D.G.  Was at Mr. Owen, the Taylors.  Lodged at Sister Bettys.  Molly had been long laid up with a Severe ague and Still kept House.

[1]Thomas and Persis Goodenow (also spelled Goodanow) had three daughters at this time, Persis, b. Jan. 11, 1735; Lucy, b. May 16, 1736; and Elizabeth, b. Sept, 10, 1740 (WVR, 54).