October 13, 1742

1742 October 13 (Wednesday).  To Boston.  My aged Mother in much the Same State as for some Time of Late.  Sick and low and faint.  Oft time so poor and weak that She Seems in immediate Danger of Death: and then revives again.  In Spirituals Dark and distressed yet hoping and trusting in God.  P.M. at Mr. Condys — where was Mr. Samuel Coollidge[1] and afterwards came Dr. Chauncy and then my Kinsman Parkman.  We all visited Mr. Eliot who was newly married to my Kinswoman, Mrs. Elizabeth Langdon, only Daughter of Deacon Josiah Langdon.  At Eve at Brother Alexanders where Molly Still resides (dining at Cousen Procters) while She attends School at Madam Condys.  Lodged at Brother Samuels.

[1]Samuel Coolidge (1703-1767), Harvard 1724, Harvard librarian, 1734-1735; chaplain at Castle William; occasional schoolmaster at Westborough and Watertown; SHG, 7:326-31.