October 4, 1742

1742 October 4 (Monday).  Message from Boston that my Mother was grown worse.  Stephen Fay here and in various religious Disquietments.  His Brother James here at Evening  and while some young women, Sarah Shattuck, Mary Graves and Sarah Bellows were receiving Instructions from me in singing Mr. Fay was in much Spiritual Commotion; but while we were singing the 63 Psalm, he was in a peculiar Manner rapt in Spiritual Delight and panted with the overbearing Joy and admiration of the Divine Greatness and Condescention to us and His Patience towards us;  and his Expressions of these Things were very becoming and noticeable.  About 16 or 18 Hands husked out my Corn.

October 10, 1742

1742 October 10 (Sunday).  Sacrament.  On Gal. 2.20.  Some Number of Strangers — Hopkinton people especially.  Mr. Thurston of Upton and his wife here, and Mrs. Lambson[1] of Ipswich, Mrs. Whipple,[2] and all dined here besides Deacon Fay.  I hope it was a Time of Some Instruction and quickening among God’s people.

[1]Probably Abigail (Mrs. Thomas) Lamson whose daughter Abigail married Francis Whipple of Westborough (Vital Records of Ipswich, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (2 vols.; Salem, MA: The Essex Institute, 1910), 2:271).  The younger Abigail Lamson was b. Feb.15, 1708 (ibid., 1:233).

[2]Abigail, wife of Francis Whipple.

October 13, 1742

1742 October 13 (Wednesday).  To Boston.  My aged Mother in much the Same State as for some Time of Late.  Sick and low and faint.  Oft time so poor and weak that She Seems in immediate Danger of Death: and then revives again.  In Spirituals Dark and distressed yet hoping and trusting in God.  P.M. at Mr. Condys — where was Mr. Samuel Coollidge[1] and afterwards came Dr. Chauncy and then my Kinsman Parkman.  We all visited Mr. Eliot who was newly married to my Kinswoman, Mrs. Elizabeth Langdon, only Daughter of Deacon Josiah Langdon.  At Eve at Brother Alexanders where Molly Still resides (dining at Cousen Procters) while She attends School at Madam Condys.  Lodged at Brother Samuels.

[1]Samuel Coolidge (1703-1767), Harvard 1724, Harvard librarian, 1734-1735; chaplain at Castle William; occasional schoolmaster at Westborough and Watertown; SHG, 7:326-31.

October 14, 1742

1742 October 14 (Thursday).  Mr. Lowel preached the public Lecture on Job. 7.17, an excellently well composed and well delivered Sermon; except that the Life part was too brief.  Dined at Deacon Henchmans with Mr. Gee etc.  Bought Dr. Twiss’s [Vindicice?] out of old Mr. Nortons Library; but was obliged to leave behind a great Collection of the School men — Aquinas, Scotus, Vasquez, Suarez, Durandus, Estius etc.  At Eve Sorrowful Parting with my venerable, aged, tender Mother, whose Blessing she delivered in Solemn and affectionate Manner.  Among other Things She prayed that I might have Stedfastness especially now in these Times.  To Cambridge.

October 20, 1742

1742 October 20 (Wednesday).  Mr. Hall preached a moving Sermon on Joh. 5.40.  No crying out in the meeting House, but as I was going home from the Meeting House, Mrs. Ruth Fay, in anguish of Spirit, burst out and went into my House.  I took her into my Study and gave her what Instructions I could.  In the Mean Time Sarah Sparhawk was crying and Screaming upon her Bed in another part of the House.  Many people were in the House below.  Mr. Edwards of North hampton was come, and both he and Mr. Hall assisted me in Ministring to these distressed souls and others that needed.  It was an Evening of great Engagement.  Sent a Letter to Jabez Green.

October 21, 1742

1742 October 21 (Thursday).  Mr. Hall and Mr. Edwards went, the one to Sutton and the other for BostonJabez Green was executed.  Mr. Aldridge the Quaker having preached at the Jail and Mr. Burr at the Meeting House.  No prayer at the Gallows — nor much Warning given, as I was informed (for I went not to Worcester) but by Mr. Aldridge some sort of Exhortation was given.  The Prisoner dyed declaring he was not guilty of Murder, to the Surprize of the Spectators.  An extraordinary Cold Night for the Season.

October 22, 1742

1742 October 22 (Friday).  Mr. Forb. worked at the well.  At Eve Mr. Barns, with his uncle Miller and Ensign Forb. here to consult what to do on Barns’s Affair.  I insisted for the Testimonys of the persons who were with him at the Time when he was thought to be most Culpable: and these they agreed to procure.  Mr. Barns brought the Testimony of Messrs. Joseph Stratton and John Weeks of Marlborough.  I had received also a Letter from Mr. Woolson.

October 26, 1742

1742 October 26 (Tuesday).  Mr. Seccomb went with me to the Association at Marlborough.  A considerable Number of ministers and Candidates.  The Conversation turned most of all upon the Times.  Mr. Marsh[1] of Wachusett very full of his storys to the discredit of those who were Zealous in promoting Convictions etc.  Mr. Prentice of Lancaster delivered his Concio on 2 Tim.1.2.  Mr. Seccomb and I lodged at Dr. Gotts.  N.B. My Mare led down by Winchester for Molly to come Home.

[1]Elisha Marsh (1713-1784), Harvard 1738, minister of Westminster, 1742-1757; SHG, 10:300-06.

October 28, 1742

1742 October 28 (Thursday).  We have the utmost Reason to Celebrate the Divine Patience and Longsuffering inasmuch as He has not only waited Three Years upon this Church and upon Me their unworthy Pastor, seeking fruit upon us — nor only Three Times Three; but this Day it is no less Space than Twice Three times Three Years.[1]  O may we be humbled for our manifold Defects and unprofitableness!  O might I in peculiar who have the greatest need!  And may God of his infinite Mercy grant us grace, and to me in Special that henceforth we may bring Some Fruit to his Glory!  Jejun. Priv.

[1]Parkman was ordained on October 28, 1724.