September 5, 1742

1742 September 5 (Sunday).  O might this Birth Day be the Day of Gods Power with me and the Day of the Gladness of my Heart!  Vide Natal.  Preached a.m. on 1 Thess. 5.19, and p.m. Gal. 2.20, those words the Life which I live in the Flesh I live by the Faith of the Son of God.  O that mine might be such I beg of God to make it so!  I resolve by his Grace, to Endeavour to make it So.  Mrs. Rachel Bowker of Marlborough dined with me.  N.B. I appointed an Exercise to be at Mr. Matthias Rice’s[1] next Tuesday.  N.B. A great Frost.

[1]Matthias Rice was b. Apr. 4, 1706 (Marlborough VR, 159); died Feb. 13, 1764, a. 57 y., 10 m. (Northborough VR, 147).  He and his wife Anna were admitted to the Westborough church, Nov. 23, 1740 (WCR, 57) and dismissed to the church in Northborough, May 4, Aug. 17, 1746 (WCR, 74-75, 77).

September 7, 1742

1742 September 7 (Tuesday).  Rain a.m.  No Masons.  At noon Lieutenant came, but not being well he returned home again.  I went to Mr. Matthias Rices according to appointment and preached there, on Luk. 19.9.  Visited Mr. Beeman as I returned.  N.B. Ebenezer rode to Grafton to look up some of our young Cattle which had Strayed from Sutton: found but Two out of Five.

September 8, 1742

1742 September 8 (Wednesday).  Mr. Daniel Forbush[1] worked at the Chimneys and Thomas Winchester tends him, as before.  But no Lieutenant to Day, though very bright weather, a brisk wind.  Mr. John Rogers upon my Mare rode after the remainder of young Cattle.  Found them but did not bring them.

[1]Daniel, son of Jonathan and Hannah Forbush, b. Oct. 23, 1710 (MVR, 73); died, Jan. 12, 1780, “69 years old last October” (Parkman diary).  Daniel Forbush was admitted to the Westborough church, Oct. 5, 1735 (WCR, 38).

September 11, 1742

1742 September 11 (Saturday).  Mr. Forb. at the Chimny and Lt. Brigham came to work.  Sam Bumpso came and helped tend the Masons.  But Lt. Brigham went with Ensign Maynard to Grindstone Hill to digg Stones, and with Mr. Nurses[1] Team added to my oxen brought a Load of Excellent Jaum Stones from thence.  But these Things proved a great Impediment to my Studys, and preparations for the Sabbath.

[1]William Nurse (1696-1779).  “Attended and prayed at the Funeral of Old Mr. William Nurse.  He was 83 sometime in last month.” (Parkman diary, Apr. 16, 1779).

September 13, 1742

1742 September 13 (Monday).  Ebenezer with a Team to Grindstone Hill, and he and Lieut. Tainter brought each of them a Load of choice Stones.  Mr. Forbush at the Chimnys.  Lieutenant Brigham came a part of the Day to the Work.  N.B. Mr. Daniel Rogers[1] of Ipswich, Dr. Gott and Mr. Dodge came and dined with us.  Mr. Rogers had preached three Times at Marlborough.  Catechetical Exercise to young women at which I preached on Rev. 3.1.

[1]Daniel Rogers (1707-1785), Harvard 1725, tutor at Harvard, 1732-1741; minister at Exeter, New Hampshire (Second Church), 1748-1785; SHG, 7:554-60.

September 15, 1742

1742 September 15 (Wednesday).  The Churches that met were the Church in Weston, Shrewsbury, Grafton and Westborough.  Mr. Williams Moderator of the Council which was formed.  N.B. we were much impeded by Mr. Buckminster’s not having obtained his Dismission from the Church of Framingham.  But Considering that it was owing to the providence of God (namely by the Sickness of Rev. Mr. Swift) that we were deprived of it, both the Council and the Church were of opinion it was more advisable to proceed without it than to put by the Ordination.  Mr. Solomon Prentice prayed before sermon, Mr. Williams preached from 2 Cor. 5.20, and he gave the Charge.  Mr. Cushing prayed after the Charge, and I gave the Right Hand.  I was So faithful to my old Friendship that I went to see Mr. Frink but his treatment  and Conduct was rugged and ungratefull.  Mr. Brintnall desired me to preach this Evening but for Several Reasons I declined it.

September 16, 1742

1742 September 16 (Thursday).  Mr. Cushing and Lieutenant Stone, Mr. Livermore and I rode to Worcester to see the prisoner Green; who upon the Keepers informing him that I was come said he did not want to see Me.  I would not force my self upon him:  so we came away without Seeing him.  Eat at Mr. Cushings and got home in safety and Season.  N.B. Mr. Miller, Mr. D.  Forbush and Phinehas Forb. brought each of them a Load of Rails from Mr. Bowmans — in all 100.  N.B. Mr. Benjamin How Carting away my old House which he bought of me.

September 17, 1742

1742 September 17 (Friday).  Lieutenant Brigham came to the work of the Chimny but not Mr. Forb.  Lieutenant Baker brought a Load of Stones.  Mr. Boynes[1] here — would fain finish the well.  Old Mr. Joseph Green here to take Advice respecting his many Scruples.  Mr. Jenison here, and Supped with me.

[1]Possibly William Boynes (or Boins) of Marlborough.  Several children were born to William and Martha Boynes (Boins), 1740-1745 (MVR, 32, 34.)

September 18, 1742

1742 September 18 (Saturday).  Mr. Forbush at work but not Lieutenant Brigham.  Rev. Mr. Parsons[1] of Lyme made me a kind visit; and I perswaded him to Stay and keep Sabbath here, though I had sent to Mr. Smith of Marlborough to change with me, for I sent down Thomme to prevent his coming up.  But he returned me a Note full of urgency to go down notwithstanding.  I rode down therefore at Evening to Marlborough.

[1]Jonathan Parsons (1705-1776), Yale 1729, minister of Old Lyme, Connecticut, 1729-1745; Newburyport (First Presbyterian Church), 1746-1776; DYG, 1:389-93.

September 19, 1742

1742 September 19 (Sunday).  I preached at Marlborough on 2 Cor. 6.2.  N.B. Judge Dudley present.  I was very dull and Lifeless p.m.  Was too much under the Fear of Man.  The Lord humble and pardon me for the Lord Jesus Sake!  And O that the Blessing might Accompany the work both to the Hearers and to my own soul!  I rode up home at Eve.  Found Mr. Parsons preaching with great fervency to young people on the gathering Manna in the Morning.  It made great Impression.  But the most remarkable Signs were immediately after the Blessing was pronounced.  Mr. Stephen Fays wife[1] cryed out and Cousen Winchester presently upon it both of whom Strove what they could to contain themselves but they burst forth with great Agony of Soul.  Sarah Shattuck and Betty Fay discovered also their inward Distress.  But Sarah Sparhawk was unbounded and like one deprived of her Reason.  A great Tumult ensued.  Mr. Parsons advised me to compose them and either pray or sing a Psalm.  I requested him to direct to a Psalm.  After Singing I Spake Strongly to the people, advising and beseeching them to retire to private meditation and prayer.  And it had Success and Sarah Sparhawk was brought away Home by some Young Men.  A Number of the Distressed and others came to my House — but went home about Nine o’clock.  Sarah Sparhawk was however often crying out, and Striving much in her Fitts  for an Hour or Two — then went to Bed and slept well.  Mr. James Fay earnestly Strove with me to have an Exercise in the Morning and pleaded with Mr. Parsons to  preach, but he would not yield, having concluded it to be his Duty to prosecute his Journey.  I could not give encouragement my Self because of other previous Engagement

[1]Ruth (Child) Fay was admitted to the Westborough church, June 3, 1736 (WCR, 41).  “P.M. I made a visit to Mr. Stephen Fay and his Wife who are tomorrow to move to Lambs Town [Upton]” (Parkman diary, Apr. 17, 1750).

September 20, 1742

1742 September 20 (Monday).  Mr. Parsons took leave, with his son Marshfield,[1] to go to Springfield.  Lieutenant Brigham and Mr. Ephraim Ward[2] and Mr. Daniel Forbush at the work of the Chimneys and Noah How assisted Thomas in Tending.  Capt. Warrin helps cut and hew the Mantletrees: and put in the New Boxes into my Cart.  Neighbour Benjamin How put in an Axletree.  Expected Mr. Boynes to go about the Well, but he did not come.  Sarah Shattuck and Betty Chamberlain here to take advice upon their Spiritual Concerns, and Sarah Bellows was very helpfull in Family Business instead of Sarah Sparhawk who was Still feeble and pensive and could do little.  At Eve Neighbour Eliezer Rice and Abner Newton — Brother Hicks came, and lodged.  The weather Raw Cold, and this with the very different and multiplyed Cares upon my Mind, made me feel weak and feeble.

[1]Marshfield, son of Jonathan and Phebe (Griswold) Parsons, b. Feb. 3, 1733.  Reuben H. Walworth, Hyde Genealogy; or the Descendants, in the Female as Well as in the Male Lines, from William Hyde, of Norwich… (2 vols.; Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1864), 1:185.

[2]Ephraim Ward of Southborough.

September 21, 1742

1742 September 21 (Tuesday).  Brother Hicks who lodged here, confined by the Storm of Rain.  P.M. I preached to a number that gathered together and requested it, but no public Notice had been given.  I repeated (as I was desired) my last sermon on 1 Thess. 5.19.  N.B. Sarah Sparhawk cryed out again and was in much Distress.  N.B. Mr. Dickinsons Dialogue entitled the Display of Special Grace.  N.B. Mr. Benjamin Warrin Taylor at Work yesterday and to Day in making Leather Breeches for Ebenezer and Thomme.

September 23, 1742

1742 September 23 (Thursday).  Mr. Stone rode with me to the Trial of Jabez Green at Worcester Superior Court.  His Confidence was very extraordinary.  But the Evidences very strong against him.  Mr. Campbell (who prayed at the Opening thereof) dined with the Court.  Mr. Frink, Mr. Stone, Mr. Prentice, Mr. Webb dined at Mr. Burrs.  I dined at Coll. Chandlers, where also dined Coll. Brattle[1] (who was Kings Attorney this Court), Mr. Morse of Shrewsbury and divers others.  P.M. the Jury were not agreed.  At Eve the Rain detained us till the Court was adjourned.  As soon as the weather permitted, Mr. Stone and I rode home, though it was Somewhat late.

[1]William Brattle (1706-1776), Harvard 1722, SHG, 7: 10-23.

September 27, 1742

1742 September 27 (Monday).  Lieutenant Brigham and Mr. Forb. came to the Chimney work and Benjamin Forb. help Thomas tend.  P.M. I rode to Mr. Samuel Fay junior,[1] Mr. Eliezer Bellows[2] and visited Mr. Knowltons[3] Family several of their Children being sick of the Throat Distemper.  I rode to Mr. Garfields[4] and Mr. Edward Willsons[5] and returned home by Mr. Snells.

[1]Samuel, son of Samuel and Tabitha Fay, bapt. May 6, 1705 (MVR, 70).  Samuel and his wife Deliverance joined the Westborough church on July 27, 1728 (WCR, 15).

[2]Eliezer (or Eleazer) Bellows, b. Aug. 1, 1696, son of Elliazer and Esther Bellows (Marlborough VR, 26).  He and his wife Sarah confessed fornication and were admitted to the Westborough church (WCR, 11).  They were dismissed to Southborough, Sept. 19, 1734 (WCR, 36).

[3]Either Abraham or Joseph Knowlton of Shrewsbury; both appear frequently in Parkman’s diary.

[4]Possibly Daniel Garfield.

[5]Edward Wilson of Shrewsbury.

September 29, 1742

1742 September 29 (Wednesday).  Variety of Company here.  Mrs. Whitney of Watertown, Mr. Noah Rices wife[1] of Sutton and others.  Mr. Jacob Green of Colchester.  Mr. Jonas Morse[2] of Marlborough bought a sow and 4 young Piggs of me.  Thomas gathering apples.  But my mind was much impressed with the Thoughts of Hopkinton Fast tomorrow.  I beg I may in a True Manner rely on God and receive Direction and Help from Him.

[1]Noah Rice was admitted to the church, July 18, 1736 (WCR, 43); his wife Hannah, Feb. 29, 1736 (WCR, 40); and they were dismissed to the church in Sutton, June 23, 1746 (WCR, 73).

[2]Jonas, son of Joseph and Grace Mors, b. July25, 1703 (MVR, 132).

September 30, 1742

1742 September 30 (Thursday).  My wife rode with me to Hopkinton.  Mr. Moody[1] of York was to preach a.m. but at 11 o’Clock Mr. Barrett came with a Message and the Bible to Me that I must preach.  Mr. Barrett prayed before sermon.  I preached on Eph. 5.14.  P.M. Mr. Stone prayed and Mr. Moody preached on Prov.1.23.  At Evening Mr. Barrett was requested to Suffer Mr. Bliss preach an Evening Lecture but he would not allow of its being publickly in the Meeting House; he gave way to its being at a private House.  N.B. Mr. Stones opposing Mr. Bliss, on one Side and Peter How’s opposing Mr. Barrett on the other.  I endeavoured to quiet and reconcile each, praying that the Excellent Fruit of the Spirit Peace, might appear.  The Lord make it a good season!  We returned in safety.

[1]Samuel Moody (1676-1747), Harvard 1697, minister at York, 1698-1747; SHG, 4:356-65.