1742 March 30 (Tuesday). Broke fast at Mr. Warham Williams. N.B. Mr. Williams going (with Mr. Appleton[1] and Mr. Peabody[2]) to a Fast to Morrow at Bedford on account of the Troubles there relating to Mr. Bows’s Conduct among them. I proceeded to Cambridge. Dined at F. Champneys.[3] Visited Mr. Appleton. N.B. Various Accounts from Ipswich of the State of Religion there: the people greatly enlivened and awakened there. At Evening I was at Charlestown. Mr. Buel preached on Gen. 6.3. N.B. Mr. Croswell lyes Sick at Charlestown after Zealous preaching there for some time. At 10 o’Clock I went over (the Boats deeply loaded like Commencement) to Boston. At Kinsman Elias’s were Mr. Eleazer Williams’s (of Roxbury) wife and Two Daughters greatly enlivened in Religion.
[1]Nathaniel Appleton (1693-1784), Harvard 1712, minister of Cambridge, 1717-1784; SHG 5:599-609.
[2]Oliver Peabody (1698-1752), Harvard 1721, minister at Natick Indian Church, 1721-1729; Natick First Congregational Church, 1729-1752; SHG, 6:529-34.
[3]Samuel Champney was the father of Parkman’s first wife, Mary or Molly.