1742 March 4 (Thursday). Mr. Jenison and my wife went with me to private Meeting at Deacon Newtons. I (at the Speciall Request of Two Deacons Forb. and Newton in the Name of Many others made known to me last Monday) repeated the Same sermon which I preached last Sabbath. David worked a.m. Letter from Mr. Oliver Ward[1] of Coventry touching the work of God there and his hearty Concern for us at Westborough.
[1]Oliver Ward’s four daughters, Deborah, Sara, Hannah, and Submit, owned the covenant and were baptized, May 5, 1734 (WCR, 34). Parkman later noted, “N.B. Lieut. Drury had been up in to Connecticut and cast Mr. Oliver Ward into Windham Goal” (Oct. 28, 1736).