October 14, 1740

1740 October 14 (Tuesday).  Notwithstanding that it was Somewhat rainy My Wife and I rode down to Marlborough to attend upon the preaching of the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield.  My Neighbor Barns carried my Sister Willard, Daniel How carried my Daughter Molly, and old Mr. Green[1] carried Thomme.  Mr. Whitefield preach’d at Sudbury in the forenoon, and came about 1/2 after 3 this afternoon.  He preach’d to a great Assembly from Luke 18.14.  N.B. Governor Belcher present.  In Dr. Gotts Name I asked Mr. Whitefield and his Fellow Travellers to his House and they accordingly went, but could not be perswaded to make any Stay nor to lodge Short of Worcester, even although the weather was rainy.  I Supp’d at Mr. Smiths in Company with Mr. Dorr, Mr. Stone, and Mr. Hemingway[2] of Townshend, but I lodg’d at the Doctors.  My Sister rode home with Captain Warrin, and Thomme with Mr. Green, but My Wife and Molly Stay’d because of the Rain.  N.B. Mr. Dorrs Account of their Troubles in Mendon Strengthened by the Testimony of Mr. Bruce[3] of the Same Town.

[1]John Green of Westborough.

[2]Rev. Phinehas Hemenway (HC 1730), first minister at Townsend, Mass., 1734-1760.  SHG, 8:724-726.

[3]Benjamin Bruce.  See John G. Metcalf, Annals of the Town of Mendon (Providence, 1880), 237-238.