September 24, 1740

1740 September 24 (Wednesday).  Having receiv’d no return from the Governor[1] touching the Captives with us, I waited on his Excellency, who told me the Governor and Council had directed the Secretary to write me an Answer and he had done it, but knew not where it lodg’d, or where it miscarried.  It rained a.m. and detain’d me at Irelands till past 11.  From thence I rode up to Dana’s, on the South part of Cambridge, and to Father Champney’s from whence I went to College where Mr. Whitefield had been preaching.  His Text was 2 Cor. 2.17.  I din’d at Brother Barretts and thence went to Mr. Appletons[2] where Mr. Whitefield was.  N.B. The Account which he gave of the Time and Manner of the powerful working of the Spirit of God upon him.  P.M. He preach’d in the College Yard again; his Text was Mat. 11.28.  It was to incredible multitudes, and with wondrous power.  N.B. I wrote to Captain Tarbell.  At Eve I rode over to Medford with Mr. Turell[3] and his wife.  Lodg’d at my Kinsman Bradshaws.[4]

[1]Jonathan Belcher, Governor of Massachusetts.

[2]Rev. Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge.

[3]Rev. Ebenezer Turell of Medford.

[4]Parkman’s niece, Sarah, married Samuel Bradshaw of Cambridge.