September 23, 1740

1740 September 23 (Tuesday).  Rain a.m.  As Soon as I had din’d (Somewhat after one o’Clock) I Set out from Cambridge.  At Sudbury lit on Mr. Samuel Bagnal going to Boston.  I rode with him and got to Town before nine o’Clock.  Lodg’d at Brother Elias’.  N.B. Ebenezer lodges there and goes to the North Latin School.  This he has done nigh a fortnight.  N.B. An Awfull Providence yesterday at Mr. Checkleys[1] meeting House in Boston.  Three or Four Persons kill’d in the crowd, and many wounded — among the wounded sister Esther[2] and her Daughter.  Mr. Whitefield preaches Twice every Day to the astonishment of all.

[1]Rev. Samuel Checkley.

[2]The wife of Parkman’s brother, Alexander.