May 31, 1740

1740 May 31 (Saturday).  Sent my Portmantle home by Neighbor Beriah Rice.[1]  I accompany’d Dr. Gott to Mr. Benjamin Bailys[2] where lay Sick John Hambleton, son in law to Mr. Gamel.  The Doctor judg’d he could not live long, and I acquainted John with it.  His distress was very great respecting his Eternal Condition.  I did not return home till middle of the Afternoon, by means of his Urgency and Earnestness to have me tarry with him in his low Condition, to direct and assist him in his Repentance and closing with Christ.  He was very humble and broken for sin, full of passionate and repeated Crys to God and Christ, Sent for his Companions to ask their forgiveness, and to call ‘em to repentance and to charge ‘em to turn from sin to God.  He fill’d up his Time with these Exercises — But I warn’d him of the Danger of trusting to them and how rarely a late Repentance was true, proceeding so much from the present Extremity, which forc’d it.  Hicks weeding our Garden.

[1]Son of Thomas Rice.

[2]Of Marlborough.