December 19, 1739

1739 December 19 (Wednesday).  P.M. Dr. Deming[1] of Lime, heretofore Minister of Medway, came with Mr. Stone from Southborough to See me, and Mr. Deming tarry’d all night.  Memorandum.  Old Mr. Increase Ward[2] dy’d last Night.  N.B. He was the first person I ever baptiz’d.  He dy’d (according to the Testimony of him) very resign’d to the will of God.  Dr. Matthews[3] of Southborough, who had been a very usefull Man among the sick for some years, deceas’d, being upward of Eighty years old.

[1]Daniel Deming (1681-1746), Harvard 1700 (SHG, 4:518-19), served as minister of Medway, 1715-1722.

[2]An original settler of Westborough.

[3]John Matthews, physician of Southborough.