1739 December 1 (Saturday). Molly Lee continues here yet. My wife Still very much Confin’d and in grievous Smart. Dr. Gott call’d here as he was visiting Several patients. A Bath which he directed to, gave her much Ease. Mr. Jenison and I read alternately the Minute Philosopher Vol. 2. N.B. I went to the South Door, but did not venture to Step out. N.B. The Committee paid Mr. Jenison for the whole Time of his service even including tomorrow also.
Month: December 1739
December 2, 1739
1739 December 2 (Sunday). Mr. Jenison on Job 14.14. Molly Lee having gone home last night, Bekky Hicks came for to Day. N.B. Sister Hicks’s kindness in coming over to dress my Wife’s wound. Mrs. Harrington of Framingham din’d with us.
December 3, 1739
1739 December 3 (Monday). Mr. Jenison left us early in the Morning tough it was rainy. Molly Lee again. Dr. Gotts Young Man, Hemingway, here. Molly Lee making Soap. Dark, misty weather.
December 4, 1739
1739 December 4 (Tuesday). Misty and Dull weather a.m. Mr. Williams bought my Calves and agreed to give me 50 shillings for one and 30 shillings for the other. He Shod my Mare round and cork’d her for the Winter.
December 5, 1739
1739 December 5 (Wednesday). My Wife in very great Pain and Distress all the forenoon. P.M. Easyer. At Eve Captain Eager here. Brother Samuel Breck,[1] and Gad Hitchcock came from Springfield, after having had the Meazles up there. N.B. Samuel Baker rode my Mare to Boston to bring up a Maid from thence, who Brother Elias had recommended.
[1]Parkman’s brother-in-law, the physician of Springfield, Mass.
December 6, 1739
1739 December 6 (Thursday). Breck and Hitchcock rode off very Early. A pleasant Day. I went out abroad in the middle of the Day. N.B. Father Champney continues among us — lodges at Brother Hicks and comes over to us in the Morning. At Eve Mr. Tainter and his Wife and Brother Harrington of Framingham in their Return from Suffield, were here. At Midnight Samuel Baker came up, and brought with him Judith Rocke to serve us.
December 7, 1739
1739 December 7 (Friday). The Honorable Thomas Hutchinsons Funeral at Boston. Father Champney went home.
December 8, 1739
1739 December 8 (Saturday). Mr. Tainter p.m. with his Team to get down Some Loggs.
December 9, 1739
1739 December 9 (Sunday). Moderate Weather till Evening when it blew up Cold. Mr. Jenison on Ps. 110.3 and Prov. 16.31.
December 10, 1739
1739 December 10 (Monday). Mr. Jenison went away early. Cold Morning but pleasant sunshine. Town Met to grant Money for preaching. At Evening Sundry Neighbours here. N.B. Mr. Tainters advice to offer the Town to bear Some part of the Charge of preaching, he not duly Considering the great and extraordinary Charges which I was brought into by my Sickness. Began Mr. Chubbs[1] true Gospel etc.
[1]Thomas Chubb (1679-1747), the English deist, wrote The True Gospel of Jesus Christ Asserted (London, 1738).
December 11, 1739
1739 December 11 (Tuesday). Cloudy. Continue upon Chubb. Old Mrs. Howard bury’d. Mr. Cushing here.
December 12, 1739
1739 December 12 (Wednesday). Rain. Finish’d Chubb. Meazles go from house to House. Jotham Maynard dress’d Flax for us. Reckon’d with Samuel Bumpso and William Johnson. Wrote to Mrs. Pierpoint.[1]
[1]Widow of the Rev. James Pierpont of New Haven. [This was probably her daughter-in-law, Sarah Pierpont.]
December 13, 1739
1739 December 13 (Thursday). Cold — windy. Old Mr. Green here. P.M. Major Keys[1] — Mr. Jonathan Hemingway.[2] Jeduthan Fay brought up his wife. David Baverick had my Mare to Meet the Company at Marlborough. I began to sermonize again.
[1]John Keyes of Shrewsbury.
[2]Son of Deacon Joshua Hemenway of Framingham.
December 14, 1739
1739 December 14 (Friday). Cold.
December 15, 1739
1739 December 15 (Saturday). Cold decreas’d Somewhat. Mr. Timothy Harrington came.
December 16, 1739
1739 December 16 (Sunday). Mr. Harrington[1] preach’d in Mr. Jenisons Stead, who preach’d at Marlborough. Mr. Harringtons Text Isa. 52.7, p.m. 1 Tim. 4.8, latter part. Fine Moderate Day, but the Earth too Damp and the Meeting House to[o] chilling for me to Venture out yet.
[1]Timothy Harrington (HC 1737), later first minister at Swanzy, N.H., 1741-1748. SHG, 10:188-205.
December 17, 1739
1739 December 17 (Monday). Rainy Morn — Cloudy, Damp. Lieutenant Tainter came and waited upon his Kinsman to his House. N.B. Mr. David Baverick and Samuel Bumpso bargained with me to Clear my Swamp for 40 shillings per Acre and their Dinners while they work’d. I was not altogether So well as heretofore. Pains, Dullness, etc.
December 18, 1739
1739 December 18 (Tuesday). Bright and Warm in the Middle of the Day. Dr. Gott here and din’d with us. P.M. I was invited out by the fitness of the Day and I rode to the Barn and round the Field.
December 19, 1739
1739 December 19 (Wednesday). P.M. Dr. Deming[1] of Lime, heretofore Minister of Medway, came with Mr. Stone from Southborough to See me, and Mr. Deming tarry’d all night. Memorandum. Old Mr. Increase Ward[2] dy’d last Night. N.B. He was the first person I ever baptiz’d. He dy’d (according to the Testimony of him) very resign’d to the will of God. Dr. Matthews[3] of Southborough, who had been a very usefull Man among the sick for some years, deceas’d, being upward of Eighty years old.
[1]Daniel Deming (1681-1746), Harvard 1700 (SHG, 4:518-19), served as minister of Medway, 1715-1722.
[2]An original settler of Westborough.
[3]John Matthews, physician of Southborough.
December 20, 1739
1739 December 20 (Thursday). Mr. Deming, having din’d, return’d to Marlborough. Lieutenant Tainter here. N.B. free, friendly mutual admonitions. Funeral of Mr. Ward. Mr. Cushing here at Evening.
December 21, 1739
December 22, 1739
1739 December 22 (Saturday). Mr. Jenison came at Evening, I being at my Study.
December 23, 1739
1739 December 23 (Sunday). Being a Fine pleasant Day I ventur’d to Meeting. I pray’d a.m. and Mr. Jenison preach’d on Numb. 23.10. Mr. Jenison pray’d p.m. and I preach’d on Ps. 68.20, and baptiz’d Two Children, But was so tir’d I was oblig’d to lye down immediately after the Exercises. Mr. Jenison also not well.
December 24, 1739
1739 December 24 (Monday). Mr. Jenison went away. N.B. Mr. Tainter with his Team p.m. and got us wood.
December 25, 1739
1739 December 25 (Tuesday). My Wife had been not well in the Night — continued ill at Times with Travail pains most of the Day, yet kept up, and din’d with us. I sent for Mrs. Clark of Shrewsbury but she was not at Home. I sent for Mrs. Forbush[1] and she came. Sister Hicks also was sent for and her Husband with her again about 10 o’Clock at Night to get us more help. About 12 (although she had gone but about 5 Months) She was deliver’d of a tender, lifeless, Male Child, The Measure of which was 13 1/2 Inches long. Immature for Birth, Yet with all its parts perfect. See Ps. 139 (Tate and Bradys Version) But my wife through the great Goodness and Mercy of God in an hopefull State. N.B. Captain Goddard[2] here.
[1]Mrs. Thomas Forbush.
[2]Edward Goddard of Shrewsbury.
December 26, 1739
1739 December 26 (Wednesday). It has been a very open, warm Season for Some Time, Insomuch that within these few Dayes Some People have plough’d and Sow’d. But this Morning was Snowy — a Snowy Day. I improv’d Ebenezer Maynard to Digg a Grave for the Stillborn, little Babe and Brother Hicks made a Coffin, but did not Colour it. Mrs. Forbush tarried with us. Neighbor John Rogers kill’d a Shoat for me. Weigh’d 47 pounds. I Sent over to Mrs. Rice[1] (widow) to come and Nurse my Wife, but she sent back word that she could not come. Granny Forbush therefore tarrys. The Deacon came in the Evening, and we improv’d him to bury the Infant.
[1]Mrs. Edmund Rice of Westborough.
December 27, 1739
December 28, 1739
1739 December 28 (Friday). Justice Lee here again in the Morning. David Baverick here also. My Cold continues and renders me uncomfortable on various accounts. N.B. Mrs. Forbush called up out of her Bed and carry’d off by Neighbour Thurston,[1] But my Wife in a fine way — had got up to Day.
[1]Joseph, son of Joseph and Dority Thurston, b. Dec. 29, 1739; Westborough VR, 97.
December 29, 1739
1739 December 29 (Saturday). Sent Ebenezer to Cousin Winchesters for Nurse Sherman who came. Pleasant Weather though Somewhat Cold. My Hoarseness remains.
December 30, 1739
1739 December 30 (Sunday). I was under great Indisposition both by Pain and by Hoarseness and went out with much Difficulty and doubting of the Event, carrying with me a Book that if I should be oblig’d to return home they might Still keep up the Exercises. But through Divine Assistance I preach’d all Day. Text Ps. 68.20, and administer’d the Order of Baptism. At Evening I was heavy and worried. But heartily willing to Committ my Self and my whole Cause unto God. Mr. Stone of Southborough Sick of the Meazles.
December 31, 1739
1739 December 31 (Monday). My Arms and Knees have frequent Darts of Pain. A.M. pleasant and warm; p.m. Cloudy. Mr. Prentice of Grafton and his Wife made us a Visit. Came while we were at Dinner and tarried till Evening. How wondrous Swift my Time flys and my Life Wasted with Alas how Slender Improvement! God be pleas’d to humble me for my Negligence and unprofitableness and quicken me to New Fidelity!