November 1, 1739

1739 November 1 (Thursday).  Dr. Gott came — judg’d I am taken with an high Inflammatory Rhumatism.  Bled me in the right arm — insisted upon my taking my Turbith if diminished.  N.B. It work’d 5 times up, and 30 or 40 Times downward.  Nathan Maynard[1] was Sent for the Doctor but he did not come, but Sent a Plaister, etc.  Nathan Maynard and Bekky Hicks[2] watch’d.  Ensign Maynard getting wood for me.

[1]Son of David Maynard, one of the neighbors.

[2]Rebecca, daughter of John and Rebecca Hicks.

November 6, 1739

1739 November 6 (Tuesday).  Doctor came.  Found me with a very bad Sore Throat, my Head on the back part great disorder’d — tottering and pained — Yet he judg’d I was better, and did not bleed me.  Mr. Stone visited me and pray’d with us.  Several of my Nei[gh]bours here.  My Head grew worse and those Disorders were very troublesome.  But I had some good Rest nevertheless.  Samuel Baker[1] and Molly Lee watch’d.

[1]Son of Edward Baker, an original settler.

November 7, 1739

1739 November 7 (Wednesday).  In the Morning My Fever was much Worse, and p.m. the Use of my Right Hand (which hitherto I have been favor’d with when every other Limb was disenabled) was taken away, but through Gods Mercy to me my Left grew better.  About 9 at Night my Stomach grew very full of pain.  I lay Striving for Breath all Night.  Mr. Whipple watch’d.

November 8, 1739

1739 November 8 (Thursday).  About 4 o’Clock in the Morning my Wife got up by reason of my great Extremity, and desir’d Mr. Whipple to go away for the Doctor which he did.  The Doctor came about 10 o’Clock and saw my Distress’d State, bled me again and gave me a portion of Rubarb which work’d kindly and my Breath was better Somewhat.  Yet it remained bad.  Captain Eager watch’d.  A very labouring Breath Still.  My Niece Eliza carry’d down by Ensign Maynard.

November 12, 1739

1739 November 12 (Monday).  Mr. Cushing made me a Visit and pray’d with us.  I was very weak and feeble.  N.B. David Maynard, junior and his Brother Jotham came and had Two Store Piggs of me.  The one weigh’d 46, the other 54.  At Eve Mr. Frink came to see me.  N.B. Captain Eager brought home the Fatt Cow, bought of Mr. Jabez Rice[1] for £13.5.0.  Mr. David Maynard junior watch’d.  I had the best night of any Since I was Sick, and it had been most pleasant to enjoy by Dear Brothers Company.  D.G.

[1]Son of Deacon Caleb Rice of Marlborough.

November 13, 1739

1739 November 13 (Tuesday).  My kind Brother left us.  Mr. Grout and Mr. Tainter came and kill’d my Fat Cow.  N.B. The Quarter weigh’d 20 Score and 16 pound.  Mrs. Tainter came to help us in cleaning Tripe, etc.  And we had also hired Sarah Forbush[1] to work for us to Day.  I was (through the Divine Goodness) Still better.  The Doctor was here.  Left the Ethiops Mineral,[2] etc.  Bekky Hicks watch’d and I rested pritty well.  D.G.

[1]Mrs. Samuel Forbush.

[2]A name formerly given to certain black or dark-colored compounds of metals.

November 26, 1739

1739 November 16 (Friday).  Extreme Cold — froze up the Earth.  My House unbank’d, my Potatoes the greatest part in the Ground.  A purging has attended me and continues, but by the Cold we were prevented sending to the Doctor.  Stephen Fay had engaged to watch tonight, but fail’d.  My Wife Sat up again till past midnight, after which I did without.  Old Mrs. Tomlin, wife of Deacon Tomlin,[1] dy’d on the 16th in the Night, having wash’d the forenoon before.  She complain’d some Hours before She dy’d and the Deacon and his Son Sat up with her, but when a Nei[gh]bour whom they sent for came and went to her (they Supposing her to be drowzing) She was found breathless.

[1]Isaac Tomlin.

November 17, 1739

1739 November 17 (Saturday).  The Cold Something abated.  I Sent Ebenezer to Marlborough to the Doctor.  Mr. William Jenison[1] came up from Waterton to preach here.  Ruth Hicks watch’d.  I crawl up very Slowly, yet Sit up Considerably.  My Joints, my Knees and Ankles especially, weak and feeble.

[1]William Jenison (1707-1750), Harvard 1724 (SHG,, 7:371-74), former minister of Salem, Mass., who had been dismissed by his congregation, Dec. 27, 1736.

November 22, 1739

1739 November 22 (Thursday).  Before I got up I was in great Pains in my Bowels.  The Day was a very ill Day with me.  I had eat Milk the night before with good appetite, and I thought it sat So well upon my stomach that I might eat boil’d milk this Morning, but I was thereupon greatly disordered.  Sick, faint, and Vomited Several Times in the Day Casting up whatever I took down.  Mr. Winchester went down to Boston for me upon my Mare to bring up a Maid, one Mary Wakefield from thence.  At Evening, though exceeding ill, I marry’d Timothy Warrin and Rebecca Tainter.[1]  Bekky Hicks watch’d.

[1]Daughter of Simon Tainter.

November 26, 1739

1739 November 26 (Monday).  Mr. Jenison and my wife rode away together, the one for Southborough, the other for Marlborough, but return’d after a little Time, my wife having fallen from her Mare and hurt herself so as to incapacitate her for proceeding.  Colonel Woods[1] and Mr. Smith[2] (preacher) from Marlborough to see me.  They din’d, and tarry’d till Evening.  At Evening Mr. Jenison rode with them.  I was considerable Comfortable and lively, and had some Considerable Appetite; Slept also comfortably.

[1]Benjamin Woods of Marlborough.

[2]Aaron Smith (HC 1735), later minister at Marlborough, 1740-1778.  SHG, 9:575-78.

November 27, 1739

1739 November 27 (Tuesday).  Very pleasant Weather.  Mr. Jenison return’d.  Dr. Gott here, left me Bitters and Crocus Martis,[1] advis’d me to take the Air by Degrees.  My wife feels her hurt of Yesterday much more.  Bit [But?] I was better than I had been any Day, and had a good Night, through the great goodness of God.

[1]Crocus of iron, sesquioxide or peroxide of iron.

November 28, 1739

1739 November 28 (Wednesday).  Pleasant Day — and I was very Comfortable.  But my Family greatly afflicted by my wife’s pains and Confinement — being very weak-handed and yet much to do.  (Mr. Jensison here, etc.) Lieutenant  Baker (one of the Committee to take Care of the pulpit) here.  He went to Ensign Maynards and provided Molly Lee who came to help us.  Father Champney came up again.

November 29, 1739

1739 November 29 (Thursday).  Public Thanksgiving.  Mr. Jenison preach’d on Eph. 5.20.  Among the great and Signal Benefits receiv’d from a most merciful and gracious God, his redeeming my Life from Destruction, easing my Limbs and granting me a great measure of Comfort, and the mercy Shewn my wife at the time of her Fall on the 26th, is to be Celebrated with gratefull Joy and Praise.  But O that it might not be with me as with Hezekiah in 2 Chron. 32.25!