September 3, 1739

1739 September 3 (Monday).  A very rainy forenoon.  Trooping and Training.  Captain Warrins Company met at Captain Fay’s, and Captain Eagers[1] with the Troops at Ensign Maynards.  N.B. I pray’d  in the meeting House only with Captain Eagers Company.  Din’d at Ensign Maynards.  I pray’d with those at Evening with whom I had din’d.  N.B. Storm Clear’d off towards Night.  Patience Forbush[2] went with James Bradish to Ensign Maynards where Some number of Young People met at a Frolick and continued late — to my great Trouble and disquietment.

[1]James Eager of Westborough.

[2]Daughter of Deacon Thomas Forbush.

September 4, 1739

1739 September 4 (Tuesday).  I rode on Captain Warrins Mare to Cambridge.  Met Mr. Warham Williams and Mr. William Williams junior[1] on their Journey to New Haven.  At Mr. Woolsons[2] at Weston I met with Mr. Berry, Shipwright of Boston going up to Hopkinton.

[1]Minister at Weston.

[2]Isaac Woolson kept a tavern in Weston.  Daniel S. Lamson, History of Weston (Boston, 1913), 188.

September 5, 1739

1739 September 5 (Wednesday).  Rode a.m. to Captain Sharps where my Kinsman Elias still Lodges, then proceeded to Boston.  I rode to Brother Alexanders who sent my wife 3 Gallons of wine by Mr. Cornelius Biglo.  Din’d at Alexanders.  My Mother Still in a weak and low Condition.  Benjamin Parkman[1] rode my Horse to his Brother Bradshaws.[2]  I was greatly interrupted by all these means in my usual practice on this Day — and very much subverted in my Design of improving this Season which was to have Spent it with my Mother and Brethren, especially the Afternoon or Evening in a Religious Manner, and I carry’d with me a Discourse on Ps. 73.24, and another on Job 19.25 for the purpose — but their various Engagements, etc. prevented.  Yet I would not omitt wholly my regards to this Day, although I was not able so strictly to observe it to the Lord as I would have done.

[1]Benjamin was the son of Parkman’s brother, William.

[2]Sarah, daughter of William Parkman, married John Bradshaw, Sept. 26, 1736.

September 7, 1739

1739 September 7 (Friday).  Din’d at Brother Elias’s.  Mr. Thomas Weld[1] there.  N.B. Conversation the Day before yesterday and to Day with Captain White of New Haven concerning Mr. Alexander Wolcott.  P.M. Mr. Webbs Lecture on 2 Chron. 30.18.19.  N.B. Haynes Woodbridge[2] went to Cambridge for my Horse, and not coming Seasonably in the Evening it put us to great trouble, for a Small number went over to Charleston to accompany my Niece Elizabeth (Brother Elias’s Daughter) who was going up with me.  We lodg’d at Father Champney’s.

[1]Rev. Thomas Weld of Upton, Mass.

[2]Son of the Rev. Timothy Woodbridge, Jr., of Hatfield, Mass.

September 13, 1739

1739 September 13 (Thursday).  A.M. I walk’d over to Mr. Hezekiah Hows.  At noon Mr. Biglo din’d with me and he work’d the afternoon.  Mow’d Bushes and pik’d stalks.  I rode his Horse down to Mr. Daniel Maynards[1] at Marlborough to see his Horses; but he was gone from home.  N.B. One [blank] Darby, a Young Man of Concord, rode with me.  I was at Mr. Beemans[2] and Mr. David Brighams[3] as I return’d.  Jerusha Ward[4] and Mercy Nurse here.

[1]Brother of James Maynard of Westborough.

[2]Eleazer Beemon of Westborough.

[3]An original settler of Westborough who lived near Parkman.  DeForest and Bates, Westborough, 46-47.

[4]Daughter of Increase Ward of Westborough.

September 19, 1739

1739 September 19 (Wednesday).  Mr. Allison here with his Mare again for me to ride her and try her.  I rode to Mr. Grouts and to old Mrs. Fays.  N.B. Jeduthan’s[1] young Horse offer’d.  Sam Bumpso work’d for me.  My Four Young Cattle were brought home by Neighbor Abner Newton.  N.B. Neighbor Amsden[2] brought in Father Champney who in his distraction had worry’d up o’Foot from Cambridge, having Set out the Day before, and layn out last night in the Cold and Frost.

[1]Jeduthan Fay, son of Samuel Fay of Westborough.

[2]Jacob Amsden.